why a custom lcd display manufacturer

Author: Clarissa

Jan. 06, 2025




why a custom lcd display manufacturer

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Looking to take your project to the next level in terms of functionality and appearance? A custom LCD display might be the thing that gets you there, at least compared to the dot-matrix or seven-segment displays that anyone and their uncle can buy from the usual sources for pennies. But how does one create such a thing, and what are the costs involved? As is so often the case these days, it&#;s simpler and cheaper than you think, and [Dave Jones] has a great primer on designing and specifying custom LCDs.

The video below is part of an ongoing series; a previous video covered the design process, turning the design into a spec, and choosing a manufacturer; another discussed the manufacturer&#;s design document approval and developing a test plan for the module. This one shows the testing plan in action on the insanely cheap modules &#; [Dave] was able to have a small run of five modules made up for only $138, which included $33 shipping. The display is for a custom power supply and has over 200 segments, including four numeric sections, a clock display, a bar graph, and custom icons for volts, amps, millijoules, and watt-hours. It&#;s a big piece of glass and the quality is remarkable for the price. It&#;s not perfect &#; [Dave] noted a group of segments on the same common lines that were a bit dimmer than the rest, but was able to work around it by tweaking the supply voltage a bit.

We&#;re amazed at how low the barrier to entry into custom electronics has become, and even if you don&#;t need a custom LCD, at these prices it&#;s tempting to order one just because you can. Of course, you can also build your own LCD display completely from scratch too.

New Vision Display is a custom LCD display manufacturer serving OEMs across diverse markets. One of the things that sets us apart from other LCD screen manufacturers is the diversity of products and customizations we offer. Our LCD portfolio ranges from low-cost monochrome LCDs to high-resolution, high-brightness color TFT LCDs &#; and pretty much everything in between. We also have extensive experience integrating LCD screen displays into complete assemblies with touch and cover lens.

Sunlight readable, ultra-low power, bistable (&#;paper-like&#;) LCDs. Automotive grade, wide operating/storage temperatures, and wide viewing angles. Low tooling costs.

Among the many advantages of working with NVD as your LCD screen manufacturer is the extensive technical expertise of our engineering team. From concept to product, our sales and technical staff provide expert recommendations and attentive support to ensure the right solution for your project.

In addition, our extensive technology portfolio and manufacturing capabilities enable us to deliver high-quality products that meet the unique specifications of any application. To learn more about what makes us the display manufacturer for your needs, get in touch with us today.

As a leading LCD panel manufacturer, NVD manufactures custom LCD display solutions for a variety of end-user applications: Medical devices, industrial equipment, household appliances, consumer electronics, and many others. Our state-of-the-art LCD factories are equipped to build custom LCDs for optimal performance in even the most challenging environments. Whether your product will be used in the great outdoors or a hospital operating room, we can build the right custom LCD solution for your needs. Learn more about the markets we serve below.

Ready to get started or learn more about how we can help your business? Call us at +1-855-848- or fill out the form below and a company representative will be in touch within 1 business day.

Liquid Crystal Displays or more commonly known as LCDs are one of the most common electronic components which help us interact with an equipment or a device. Most personal portable equipment and even gigantic industrial equipment utilize a custom segment display to display data. For many portable consumer electronics, a segment LCD display is one of the biggest contributors to the overall cost of the device, hence designing a custom segment display can drive the cost down while also utilizing the display area in the most optimum manner. These displays have the lowest cost per piece, low power requirements, and a low tooling fee too.

At first thought, designing a custom segment LCD might look like a Herculean task, but trust me that it is easier than it seems. In this article, we have summarised and compared the display types and available technologies which are required to construct a custom segment LCD. We have also provided a flowchart that can act as a step-by-step guide while you design your own custom LCD. We have also provided the process we followed, a require gathering sheet we used for communicating our needs to the manufacturer, and a few other data and the quotation we received from the manufacturer.

Icons: A silhouette of any shape can be placed on the glass which enhances the ability to display data. For example, a symbol of a heart can be made to denote heart rate or an icon for a low battery to show that the battery needs to be charged. Icons are counted as a single pixel or segment and can give a lot more details than similar-sized text.

LCD Bias&#; It denotes the number of different voltage levels used in driving the segments, static drives (explained later in this article) only have 2 voltage levels or 2 bias voltage while multiplex drives have multiple voltage levels. For example, 1/3 will have 4 bias voltages.

LCDs utilizes the light modulating properties of liquid crystals which can be observed by using polarizing filters. Polarizing filters are special materials that have their molecules aligned in the same direction. If the light waves passing through polarisers have the same orientation as the filter, then the molecules of lights are absorbed by the filter, hence reducing the intensity of light passing through it, making it visible.

In Layman&#;s language, when an electric current is applied to the electrodes, i.e. to the segment line and common line, it twists the Liquid Crystals w.r.t to the polarizing filter, obstructing the light in that particular area as shown in the figure below. Hence, that area becomes darker and prominent.

A custom LCD is important for maximizing the efficiency of the display area by adding custom symbols and characters. It also helps in reducing the cost and improving energy efficiency of the product. A higher number of custom symbols and specified placement of numerical and alphanumerical characters make the display more informative and readable for the user. This makes it look better than the plain old boring displays we get in the market. Furthermore, we can specify the viewing angle, contrast, and other specifications which can increase durability or give a better value for money for our intended usage.  A typical Custom Segment display is shown below, we will also show you how to design and fabricate the same further in the article.

The LCD display doesn&#;t emit any light of its own, therefore it requires an external source of illumination or reflector to be readable in dark environments.

While designing a custom segment LCD display, we have the leverage of choosing a lot of parameters that affect the final product. From the color of the display to the illumination technique and color of illumination as well as the type of input pins. Some important considerations we need to take while designing a custom 7 segment display are - the type of display, i.e. positive or negative, illumination method, driving technique, polarising type, and connection method. All these design criteria are explained below:

Positive and negative displays can be easily distinguished by the colour of the background and characters. Some common differences between the positive and negative displays are:

So, which one should you choose? When the displays are to be used in areas with higher ambient light, we should select positive segment LCD display as it has better visibility than negative segment LCD displays without using a backlight.

As we know that LED displays don&#;t emit any light, hence to illuminate it and make it visible in a dark environment, we can use different methods of illumination. The most common LCD Illumination methods are compared below:

For displays that need to be used for budget-friendly devices that should be small and rugged, LED lights are preferred for the displays due to the high durability and low cost of operations. For high brightness, CCFL and Incandescent lights can be used.

A polarizer film is the most important component of an LCD display, which makes it possible to display characters by controlling the light. There are 3 types of polarizers that can be used in the LCD display, the properties and difference are given below:

If your products need to be used with a switchable backlight, then trans-reflective reflectors are best to be used for front reflectors. If the device has to be used without backlight, then we can select a reflective polarizer for the back-panel as it gives the best contrast ratio.

Displays can be categorized into two types, passive displays, and active display, passive displays are simpler to construct as they have 2 connections at each segment, the conductors comprise of an Indium Tin Oxide to create an image, whereas the active displays use thin-film transistors (TFT) arranged in a grid. The name is due to its ability to control each pixel individually.

If your displays have fewer segments, then static LCD drive is preferred as it is easier to control and cheaper to construct, and has a better contrast ratio. But let&#;s say that if the number of segments in the display are more than 30-40 then a multiplex LCD drive should be preferred as it has multiple common pins, hence reducing the total number of pins required to drive the display.

Choosing a connector type!!! For the prototyping phase or if you need to connect your LCD display on a Microcontroller directly, a pin type connector is the best and most economical option you have. If you need to connect your LCD display in a final product with a high volume of production which also requires to be extremely durable, but at the same time should not take up a lot of space, a Flex type LCD Connector will work best for you

LCDs have limited viewing angles and when seen from an angle they lose contrast and are difficult to be observed.  The viewing angle is defined by the angles perpendicular to the center of the display towards its right, left, up, and down which are denoted by the notations 3:00, 9:00, 12:00, and 6:00 respectively. The viewing angle of LCD can be defined as the angle w.r.t. to the bias angle at which the contrast of segments is legible.

To improve the viewing angle in an LCD, a Bias is incorporated in the design which shifts the nominal viewing angle with an offset. Another technique is to increase the Voltage, it affects the bias angle, making the display crisper when viewed from a direction.

For example, the viewing angle of a TN type TFT LCD is 45-65 degrees. Extra-wide polarising film (EWP) can increase the viewing angle by 10 degrees, using an O film polariser can make the viewing angles 75 degrees but these come at a cost of reduced contrast.

Anti-glare filters are bonded with the top polarising filters using adhesive. It improves the viewability by re-directing light waves so they don&#;t reflect back towards the viewer thus reducing glare. Newer materials are capable of reducing the front glare by up to less than 0.3%.

LCD Control chip or LCD driver chips can be mounted on the flex cable, display, or externally on a PCB. The placement of LCD control chip can affect the cost and size of the display. The 2 most common methods of chip placement are-Chip of Board (COB)and Chip on Glass(COG) which are described below:

COG can be used as it is cheaper and makes the assembly process simpler, but if the dimensions are a constraint, then the COB is also a viable option.

We planned to design an air quality monitoring system for which we needed a custom segment LCD panel for an air quality monitoring device. Our product needs to display the following data: 2.5-micron and 10-micron particulate matter (PM) suspended in the air; the units should be in parts per million (PPM). CO2 in the air in PPM along with total volatile organic compounds present in the air in parts per billion (PPB). To make the product more usable, we included time in 24-hour format, Temperature in ºC, Battery status, loudspeaker status, Bluetooth status, and Wi-Fi status. And for some personal touch, we also added how good the air quality in the room is by using 3 different smileys.

We realized that it was impossible to provide all these data in a generic LCD available in the market, thus decided to build a custom LCD for our project.

A step-by-step flowchart is shown below to walk you through each and every step of selecting components and getting your custom segment LCD manufactured.

We started by listing down our requirements and drew a mock-up of the display on paper. After finalizing the placement of all the segments and icons on the prototype sketch of the display, we then decided which all icons and segments have to be kept on for the whole time and which needs to be driven. Realizing that there are too many segments, characters and icons, hence we selected a multiplex drive with 8 common pins which helped us bring down the total pins from an estimated 180 pins to less than 40 pins.

Since the device was meant to be used inside houses and offices, which are more often than not well lit and protected from environmental conditions, we opted for a positive mode display. For superior contrast ratio and better viewing angle, we chose a Film Super Twisted Nematic Display (FSTN) with a drive condition of 1/8 Duty and bias of 1/4.

Usually, the displays are mounted at a height of 4.5 feet from the ground, thus the viewing direction was selected to be 12"O clock with an operating frequency of 64Hz. We selected a Transmissive polarizer for the front glass and a reflective polarizer for the rear glass so that the natural light can pass through the front panel and the display can achieve the maximum contrast without the need for backlighting and we opted for the pin type connectors as they are easy for prototyping and are suitable for harsh environment with a lot of vibrations and shocks which best suited our purpose.

In the above image of a custom display design, we sent to the manufacturer, the red lines over multiple characters indicate that all these are considered as a single segment. For the sake of simplicity, we added test like T, S, U, B to denote Text, Symbols, Units, and Battery respectively. These characters were followed by numbers to simplify communication between us and the manufacturer. For example, if we needed any particular text or symbol to remain on, we can easily specify that to the manufacturer by using the corresponding text for that segment.

We mailed our requirements to multiple LCD manufacturers, (you will find a lot of LCD manufacturers on the Internet). Most LCD manufacturers have competitive pricing, and reply within a week. A sample requirement sheet is shown above which a customer needs to fill to specify all the details to the manufacturer.

This is a sample Custom Segment LCD quotation we got from one of the manufacturers. As you can see, the cost is based on the quantity. Higher the quantity, lower the cost. Apart from the cost per quantity, there is one more component called tooling fees. Tooling fee is a one-time fee charged by the manufacturer. It is for the technical design, support, and customization of the product. Customization of PCB or tooling of LCD can drive the tooling price higher or lower.

The tooling time and cost depend on how detailed and accurate designs you sent to the manufacturer. They then send the exact dimensions and technical details of the product they will be manufacturing. Once you confirm the design, they manufacture and ship the product which might take 4-8 weeks to arrive depending on the size of the order and mode of transportation selected.

A custom segment LCD can help you personalize your product while also saving the overall cost of your product. The whole process will take you around 2-3 months, which will include the designing phase, prototyping phase, and getting your custom segment LCDs delivered to your doorstep. Higher ordering quantity will reduce the cost per piece of each unit, thus driving down the cost of your final product.

For over 20 years we"ve been helping clients worldwide by designing, developing, & manufacturing custom LCD displays, screens, and panels across all industries.

Newhaven Display has extensive experience manufacturing a wide array of digital display products, including TFT, IPS, character displays, graphic displays, LCD modules, COG displays, and LCD panels. Along with these products, we specialize in creating high-quality and affordable custom LCD solutions. While our focus is on high-quality LCD products, we also have a variety of graphic and character OLED displays we manufacture.

As a longtime leader in LCD manufacturing, producing top-quality LCD modules and panels is our highest priority. At Newhaven Display, we&#;re also incredibly proud to uphold our reputation as a trusted and friendly custom LCD manufacturing company.

As a custom LCD manufacturing company, we ensure complete control of our custom displays" reliability by providing the industry"s highest quality standards. Our design, development, production, and quality engineers work closely to help our clients bring their products to life with a fully custom display solution.

Our excellent in-house support sets Newhaven Display apart from other display manufacturers. Modifications in the customization process are completed at our Illinois facility, allowing us to provide an exceptionally fast turnaround time.

Customer support requests sent by , , or on our support forum will typically receive a response within 24 hours. For custom LCD project inquiries, our response time can take a few days or weeks, depending on the complexity of your display customization requirements. With different production facilities and a robust supply chain, we are able to deliver thefastest turnaround times for display customizations.

We work hard to ensure that personalized support is available and highly reliable. Our extended support center is available through our website, including example codes, IC datasheets, font tables, engineering changes, a video library, and answers to frequently asked questions. You can visit our knowledge center and community forum, where you can find answers, browse topics, and talk to other engineers in the display and electronics field.

Our excellent in-house support and custom display modifications set Newhaven Display apart from other LCD display manufacturers. From TFTs, IPS, sunlight readable displays, HDMI modules, EVE2 modules, to COG, character, and graphic LCDs, our modifications in the customization process are completed at our Illinois facility, allowing us to provide quality and fast turnaround times.

As a display manufacturer, distributor, and wholesaler, we are able to deliver the best quality displays at the best prices. Design, manufacturing, and product assembly are completed at our headquarters in Elgin, Illinois. Newhaven Display International ensures the best quality LCD products in the industry in this newly expanded facility with a renovated production and manufacturing space.

With assembly facilities in the US, manufacturing facilities in China, and distribution channels worldwide, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality custom display solutions quickly to locations worldwide.

The process to take your LCD idea from a concept to having prototype samples in hand is simple and requires just the few steps listed below. (Download PDF)

In many cases, FocusLCDs&#; lead time for custom LCD samples is as little as 6-7 weeks after you approve our counter drawings and data sheet. This lead time increases by 4-6 weeks between November to early February due to Chinese New year. Standard production orders for custom displays have a lead time of 10-12 weeks, which can increase by 2-4 weeks during Chinese New year.

Focus Display Solutions offers several LCD technologies. The majority of these displays can be customized to fit your need. Below is a short introduction to each type of LCD.

Ultra-Wide Viewing Display (UWVD) is a new technology that is named after one of its most notable characteristics &#; it is viewable from all angles. In addition to the viewing angle, this technology provides a better contrast than other options and can allow for multiple colors. Call one of our design specialists today to see if UWVD is the right technology for you.

Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid Crystal Displays (TFTs) are perhaps the most encountered display technology we see daily. Often seen in cell phones, tablets, cameras and countless other devices, this technology offers several hundreds of thousands of colors with a high pixel count to offer supreme visual clarity. In addition, all TFTs are available off the shelf with resistive and capacitive touch panel options.

Character LCDs have been around since the s and are still very common. These displays offer 256 selectable characters and are available with several different font tables to show a variety of languages. They are most commonly known for their ease of programming wide variety of sizes, character arrays and colors.

In addition to custom LCD displays, we provide custom PCB assemblies and turnkey solutions for products that feature a Displaytech LCD. As a display manufacturer, our engineering and production staff are experienced in handling the design and manufacturing of printed circuit board assemblies for front panels, rack mount equipment, handheld devices and many other products.

Except the available standard LCD/TFT/OLED display products, Winstar provides tailor made displays. The extensive portfolio makes it possible to create tailor-made solutions for customers to fit their application. We have the advanced display technologies available to use in your design and if there is anything you want to change about one of our existing LCD/TFT/OLED displays, we can make it happen. With more than 23 years experience, our sales and engineering team will be with you through the entire development process and will ensure the semi or fully customization a successful display tailored made to the individual application.

Our LCD/TFT/OLED custom design solutions are available in different options according to customer requirements. Winstar can offer various options on backlight type, pin and connector, cable, resistive touch screen (RTP) and projected capacitive (PCAP) touch screen or anti-reflective or anti-glare coating, or custom cover lens, ZIF PPC or customized PCB board or a fully custom solution for your product application, as well as System Integrated Solution.

There are three types of LCD Displays: Tint, MNF, glass 727 display, 16NF and 16NF. All types of color LCD Displays. Another type is a digital LCD display (T LCD) , which in a liquid crystal display (LCD) display, TL, TL, and 7LF display all types are available and a single color LCD display. This type is a digital L LCD display and it can be used in other formats like IPS, TN, and VLA. There are also three types of primary color LCD display. This type is a digital LCD display because it can be used in IPS, IPS, TN, and TN; as well, a types of liquid crystal display (LCD) display, which in a form of frame and glass 27 27 display display where they are used in IPS, TN, and TN.. type are a digital color LCD display technology.

You can use an LCD LCD sign for small companies. Ideally, you will need to have large electronic lcd signs signage for businesses, retail stores, and restaurants. They can also use custom projection display LCDs as a signage for businesses in retail stores, restaurants, bakeries, and many other areas.

It&#;s not uncommon for OEMs to have unique requirements to meet their products specifications. Because PDI focuses exclusively with OEMs to supply mid-volume standard, custom and semi-custom LCD displays, we are able work directly with select customers to provide LCD product solutions.

The MOQ for each build is between 500 and 1,000 pieces. Sometimes, with specific color TFT projects, this can be up to 2,000 pieces. Thus, MOQ isn&#;t really as bad as you would think. Often your supplier can even spread out the deliveries of a 2K order over a period of 6 months to a year.

This is either in unit price reductions, better integration and assembly, or overall product improvement. And it&#;s all because the display solution is customized and optimized to your exact application needs.

Surprisingly, there hasn&#;t been a significant lowering of MOQ for LCD displays in recent years. However, there has been an expansion in what standard options are available, such as more

If you want to learn more, please visit our website ORIC Electronics.

Industry-standard lead times are typically 8 to 12 weeks, including build and shipping time. Of course, PDI also works with customers that need their orders expedited.

Still, if customers have truly time-sensitive needs and require expediting, we can perform a manual expedite where we carefully look at every component and see where we can improve. In some instances, we have seen

And during shortened design to production requirements, we have implemented a risk-buy strategy for components that have little to no design risk so that we can focus the expediting only on the smaller subset of components that require a prototyping phase prior to production quantities.

Tooling cost for a complete monochrome design is about $6,500. This amount is very small when spread across 5,000+ units, especially when considering there is typically a cost savings from making the product more efficient when going custom.

Tooling cost for a complete color design is about $80,000 with standard TN color TFT displays. On the higher end, a design with IPS could reach about $150,000. To note, typical order size for these types of designs double to 10,000+ units. But often the color TFT project will be Semi-custom, meaning that we use an existing LCD glass platform and then design a custom display around this standard glass. In these cases the tooling is significantly lower; in the $3K-$6K range.

Unlike MOQ and lead times, tooling costs have decreased significantly over the past 5 to 10 years. Custom color TFT tooling was $500,000 a decade ago.

Reasoning for this shift can be traced to the TV market. With standard sizes for TVs getting larger and larger (55&#;, 70&#;, even 85&#;), the TFT foundries also increased in order to support these large sizes. The older smaller TFT gen lines were then sold off to companies that support our small platform markets.

Notably, PDI differs from many competitors with tooling in two ways. First, tooling is part of our process, whereas some display suppliers discourage it or avoid it altogether. Second, we&#;re flexible with how we charge for tooling. Some clients may not want to be burdened with the upfront cost of tooling; therefore, in some cases, we are able to amortize the cost.

If you&#;re ordering in the mid-range volumes (5,000 to 100,000), custom will almost always be cheaper. That&#;s because an LCD display supplier that focuses on this market will be able to design in cost-saving opportunities.

Since we are designing and manufacturing displays around what the customer is building, the display will be the right size, have the right features, and be better integrated for the end prodcuts manufacturing process. In practical terms, this means it will be easier to assemble and we can eliminate any redundancies like connectors, among other components, to eliminate waste and bring the cost down.

In addition, whether the project is custom or standard, it&#;s essentially the same production process, the only difference is the standard product is already tooled up and ready to be built, the custom display requires the initial design and tooling phase. After that, the production process is identical. Therefore, there is no difference in production cost between custom and standard LCD displays.

These are the most common myths we&#;ve discovered floating around the LCD display industry. Know that for small-format mid-volume applications, custom LCD displays are often the right (and less costly) solution.

Fulfill your custom LCD requirements by partnering with Vitek Display. For over 10 years, Vitek Display has specialized in designing and producing custom LCD displays, including Monochrome(Character, Graphic and 7-seg) and TFT(FPC, Brightness...etc.)

Even if you are new to display technology and don"t know where to start, our Display Engineers can guide you through the design process and help you fulfill your requirements and provide the best value.

The industry is flooded with manufacturers of varying capabilities, resources, commitment to quality and pre/post sales support. Some of these manufacturers will produce average quality displays without the needed enhancements that your customers expect today.

E3 Displays is all about making the manufacturing of your perfect display simple. We&#;ll guide you through an easy process to help you built your product so you never have to worry about low quality, inferior technology, unnecessary enhancements, and post sales continued support. Let&#;s make your business thrive.

We use our expertise and technology to assist our customer to design the LCD into the specification at the most economical cost in the shortest amount of time.

SIMPLE can offer various options on backlight type, pin and connector, cable, touch panel, inverter, heater or even customized PCB which can be adopted to standard product and material as semi-custom solution for your product application.

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We have thousands of standard products that are in stock and available from our Seattle, WA and Hong Kong warehouses to support fast product development and preproduction without MOQ. The stock covers TN, STN LCD display panels, COB, COG character LCD display, graphic LCD display, PMOLED, AMOLED display, TFT display, IPS display, high brightness and transflective, blanview sunlight readable display, super high contrast ratio display, lightning fast response displays, efficient low power consumption display, extreme temperature range display, HMI display, HDMI display, Raspberry Pi Display, Arduino display, embedded display, capacitive touch screen, LED backlight etc.  Customers can easily purchase samples directly from our website to avoid time delays with setting up accounts and credit terms and shipping within 24 hours.

Many of our customers require customized OEM display solutions.  With over two decades of experience, we apply our understanding of available display solutions to meet our customer&#;s requirements and assist from project concept to mass production. Using your ideas and requirements as a foundation, we work side by side with you to develop ideas/concepts into drawings, build prototypes and to final production seamlessly. In order to meet the fast changing world, we can provide the fastest turnaround in the industry, it takes only 3-4 weeks to produce LCD panels samples and 4-6 weeks for LCD display module, TFT LCD, IPS LCD display, and touch screen samples. The production time is only 4-5 weeks for LCD panels and 5-8 weeks for LCD display module, TFT LCD, IPS LCD display, and touch screen.

FCS LCDs are a uniquely different color technology. They are not a replacement for OLEDs or TFTs, because they do not display video or high-resolution photos.

When Henry Ford built his first car, he told his customers they could have any color car they wanted, as long as it was black. Car manufacturers now offer multiple options to their consumers. The customer can choose paint color, interior color, automatic or manual transmission, and even heated seats.

In the past, OEM designers were restricted to standard size color displays set by the OLED or TFT manufacturer. FSC technology removes this constraint at a surprisingly low cost.

FSC color displays take the single color offered by static/segmented display, and add seven additional colors. The following YouTube video shows the display as it changes colors.

FSC LCD Displays implement an RGB backlight to display brilliant bright colors. The colors are brighter than other displays because there is no filter.

The lack of filter allows a darker black positive mode (dark letters on a light background) and a brighter white negative mode (light colored letters on a dark background).

Create a drawing that includes the size of the glass, the icons, and segments you want. The icons and segments can be placed on the drawing to show an approximate location. Click here for an online design form to help you quickly design the display.

After you submit your drawing, you will receive a counter drawing (CAD drawing showing the exact dimensions of the display) within three-to-five business days.

FSCs include a controller/driver chip to replace the need for multiple pins or multiplexing. This reduces the number of pins necessary on your MPU.

If you must have color, and need video or very high resolution, then choose TFT or OLED; if you need a custom color display and you do not need thousands of different colors then FSC is your best choice. If you can do without color and need very lost cost and low power usage, stay tuned for the next article on monochrome (non-color) displays.

Discover the Benefits of Custom LCD Modules for Your ... - CNK

Discover The Benefits Of Custom LCD Modules For Your Electronic Devices

Welcome to our article on the benefits of custom LCD modules for electronic devices. In today&#;s technology-driven world, the demand for high-quality displays in electronic devices is greater than ever. Custom LCD modules offer a wide range of advantages for manufacturers, engineers, and consumers alike. From improved performance and reliability to enhanced aesthetics and functionality, these customizable display solutions have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our devices. Join us as we explore the numerous benefits of custom LCD modules and learn how they can elevate the performance and user experience of your electronic devices.

- Understanding Custom LCD Modules and Their Application in Electronic Devices

Custom LCD modules are an essential component in the design and development of electronic devices. These modules can be customized to fit the specific needs and requirements of a wide range of applications, making them an invaluable tool for electronics manufacturers.

One of the key advantages of custom LCD modules is their versatility. These modules can be designed to display a wide range of information, including text, graphics, and even video. This flexibility makes them ideal for use in a variety of electronic devices, from simple calculators to complex medical equipment.

In addition to their versatility, custom LCD modules also offer superior image quality and viewing angles. This is important for electronic devices that require clear and sharp displays, such as digital cameras and industrial control panels. By customizing the LCD module, manufacturers can ensure that the display meets the exact specifications of their device, resulting in a better user experience.

Custom LCD modules also provide a high level of durability and reliability. They are designed to withstand harsh operating conditions, including extreme temperatures, moisture, and mechanical shock. This makes them suitable for use in a wide range of environments, from outdoor signage to medical devices that are frequently used in clinical settings.

In terms of application, custom LCD modules are widely used in various electronic devices. For example, in consumer electronics, custom LCD modules are used in smartphones, tablets, and digital cameras to provide high-resolution displays with vibrant colors. In automotive electronics, these modules are used in dashboard displays and navigation systems to provide drivers with crucial information while on the road. In the healthcare industry, custom LCD modules are used in medical devices such as patient monitors and diagnostic equipment to provide accurate and reliable information to healthcare professionals.

In conclusion, the use of custom LCD modules in electronic devices offers numerous benefits, including versatility, superior image quality, and durability. These modules can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a wide range of applications, making them an indispensable component in the design and development of electronic devices. As technology continues to advance, the demand for custom LCD modules is expected to grow, further solidifying their importance in the electronics industry. Whether it's for consumer electronics, automotive applications, or medical devices, custom LCD modules will continue to play a crucial role in providing clear, reliable, and high-quality displays for a variety of electronic devices.

- Advantages of Using Custom LCD Modules in Electronic Devices

The electronic devices industry has been revolutionized by the use of custom LCD modules, bringing a wide range of benefits to manufacturers and consumers alike. In this article, we will explore the numerous advantages of incorporating custom LCD modules in electronic devices, from improved performance and design flexibility to cost-effectiveness and enhanced user experience.

Custom LCD modules are tailor-made display solutions designed to meet specific requirements for electronic devices. Unlike standard LCD displays, custom LCD modules are customized to fit the unique needs of a particular product, offering a level of flexibility and versatility that is unmatched by off-the-shelf options. These modules can be tailored to match specific sizes, shapes, resolutions, and viewing angles, providing manufacturers with the freedom to create products that stand out in a crowded marketplace.

One of the key advantages of using custom LCD modules in electronic devices is the improved performance that they offer. By designing a display that is precisely aligned with the device's specifications, manufacturers can ensure optimal functionality and seamless integration. Custom LCD modules can be engineered to deliver high-quality images, vibrant colors, and sharp contrast, enhancing the overall visual experience for users. This level of precision and customization also extends to the touch functionality, enabling the development of interactive and user-friendly interfaces for electronic devices.

Furthermore, custom LCD modules offer unparalleled design flexibility, allowing manufacturers to create products with a unique and compelling aesthetic appeal. By customizing the display's size, shape, and aspect ratio, designers can experiment with innovative form factors and distinctive visual designs, making their products stand out in a competitive market. Whether it's a curved display for a wearable device or a custom-shaped screen for an automotive application, custom LCD modules empower manufacturers to push the boundaries of traditional design and differentiate their products from the competition.

In addition to performance and design advantages, custom LCD modules also bring cost-effectiveness benefits to electronic device manufacturers. While the initial investment in custom display solutions may appear higher than off-the-shelf alternatives, the long-term savings become apparent when considering the reduction in material waste, development time, and rework associated with adapting standard displays to fit specific requirements. By investing in custom LCD modules, manufacturers can streamline the product development process, minimize production costs, and ultimately achieve a higher return on investment.

Finally, the use of custom LCD modules can significantly enhance the user experience of electronic devices. With displays tailored to deliver optimum performance in any environment, users can enjoy superior readability, visibility, and touch sensitivity, regardless of lighting conditions or viewing angles. This ensures that the product remains visually appealing and easy to use, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In conclusion, the advantages of using custom LCD modules in electronic devices are clear and compelling. From improved performance and design flexibility to cost-effectiveness and enhanced user experience, custom LCD modules empower manufacturers to create products that truly stand out in the market. By harnessing the power of customization, electronic device manufacturers can deliver innovative, high-quality products that meet the diverse needs and expectations of today's consumers.

- How Custom LCD Modules Improve Functionality and User Experience

In today&#;s fast-paced and technology-driven world, electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From smartphones to medical equipment, these devices have evolved to become more advanced and sophisticated. One key component that greatly influences the functionality and user experience of these electronic devices is the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module. In this article, we will explore the benefits of custom LCD modules for electronic devices, and how they can significantly improve functionality and user experience.

Custom LCD modules are tailored to the specific requirements of a particular electronic device. Unlike standard off-the-shelf LCD modules, custom LCD modules are designed and manufactured to meet the unique needs and specifications of a device, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. This level of customization allows for greater flexibility in design and functionality, which ultimately enhances the overall user experience.

One of the primary benefits of custom LCD modules is their ability to improve functionality. By customizing the size, shape, and configuration of the LCD module, manufacturers can optimize the display to fit the specific requirements of the device. This means that custom LCD modules can be designed to fit into tight spaces, accommodate various viewing angles, and display specific information with precision and clarity. As a result, electronic devices equipped with custom LCD modules can offer enhanced functionality and performance, making them more reliable and user-friendly.

In addition to improved functionality, custom LCD modules also play a significant role in enhancing the user experience. The customization of the LCD module allows for a greater degree of control over the display, enabling manufacturers to create intuitive user interfaces and visually appealing designs. Whether it&#;s a smartphone with a vibrant and sharp display, a medical device with clear and easy-to-read indicators, or a control panel with intuitive navigation, custom LCD modules can greatly enhance the user experience by providing a visually engaging and user-friendly interface.

Furthermore, custom LCD modules offer the advantage of improved durability and reliability. By tailoring the LCD module to the specific operating conditions and environment of the device, manufacturers can ensure that the display is built to withstand various environmental factors such as temperature extremes, humidity, and vibration. This level of customization results in a more robust and reliable display, which ultimately contributes to the overall longevity and performance of the electronic device.

In conclusion, custom LCD modules have the potential to transform the functionality and user experience of electronic devices. Their ability to be tailored to the specific requirements of a device, along with enhanced functionality, improved user experience, and increased durability, makes them an essential component for manufacturers looking to differentiate their products in a competitive market. As technology continues to advance, the demand for custom LCD modules will only continue to grow, shaping the future of electronic devices and the way we interact with them.

- The Importance of Customization in LCD Modules for Electronic Devices

In today&#;s electronic market, customization has become increasingly essential when it comes to LCD modules for electronic devices. With the rapid growth of technological advancements and the demand for more tailored solutions, the importance of custom LCD modules cannot be underestimated. From wearable devices to automotive displays, the need for personalized and customizable LCD modules has become a vital aspect of product development and design.

One of the key benefits of custom LCD modules is the ability to create unique and innovative electronic devices. With the option to customize size, shape, resolution, and performance, manufacturers can develop products that stand out in the market and meet specific customer needs. Whether it&#;s a smartwatch with a curved display or a medical device with a high-resolution screen, custom LCD modules allow for endless possibilities in design and functionality.

Moreover, custom LCD modules offer improved performance and efficiency. By tailoring the display to fit the specific requirements of the electronic device, manufacturers can optimize power consumption, enhance visibility in various environments, and increase overall reliability. This level of customization can lead to better user experiences and longer product lifespans, ultimately resulting in higher customer satisfaction and lower maintenance costs.

Another advantage of custom LCD modules is the opportunity for seamless integration into the electronic device. With the ability to customize interfaces, connectors, and mounting options, manufacturers can ensure that the LCD module fits perfectly within the overall product design. This level of integration not only enhances the aesthetics of the device but also simplifies the assembly process, reducing production time and costs.

Furthermore, custom LCD modules offer greater flexibility in terms of features and functionality. Whether it&#;s incorporating touch screens, backlighting, or specific user interfaces, manufacturers can tailor the LCD module to meet the demands of the end-user. This level of customization enables the development of advanced and user-friendly electronic devices that can excel in competitive markets.

In addition, the customization of LCD modules can lead to cost savings in the long run. While the initial investment in custom LCD modules may be higher than off-the-shelf options, the ability to optimize performance and functionality can result in reduced overall production costs. With fewer components and simplified designs, manufacturers can streamline manufacturing processes and benefit from economies of scale, ultimately leading to more affordable and competitive electronic devices in the market.

Overall, the importance of customization in LCD modules for electronic devices cannot be overstated. From creating unique and innovative products to improving performance and efficiency, custom LCD modules offer a wide range of benefits for manufacturers and end-users alike. With the ability to tailor displays to specific requirements, the opportunities for enhanced design, integration, and functionality are endless. As the demand for personalized electronic devices continues to grow, the significance of custom LCD modules will only become more pronounced in the future.

- The Future of Custom LCD Modules in the Evolution of Electronic Devices

Custom LCD modules are revolutionizing the way electronic devices are designed and manufactured, creating a new future for the display technology industry. With the constant evolution of electronic devices, custom LCD modules are becoming increasingly essential in meeting the specific and unique display requirements of different applications. In this article, we will explore the benefits and significance of custom LCD modules in the future of electronic devices, and how they are driving innovation and advancement in display technology.

Custom LCD modules are designed to meet the specific needs of electronic devices, offering flexibility, customization, and superior performance. Unlike standard off-the-shelf LCD displays, custom LCD modules can be tailored to fit the exact specifications of a device, including size, shape, resolution, and interface requirements. This level of customization enables manufacturers to create innovative and cutting-edge products that stand out in the market. Whether it's a wearable device, a medical instrument, or an automotive application, custom LCD modules provide the flexibility to meet the unique demands of diverse industries.

One of the key advantages of custom LCD modules is their ability to enhance the user experience by delivering superior visual performance. With advancements in display technology, custom LCD modules can support high resolution, wide viewing angles, and high contrast ratios, resulting in sharp, clear, and vibrant images. This is particularly important in applications where visual clarity and readability are crucial, such as in medical devices, industrial equipment, and consumer electronics. By leveraging custom LCD modules, manufacturers can ensure that their products provide an exceptional viewing experience, ultimately setting them apart from the competition.

Furthermore, custom LCD modules play a vital role in driving the innovation and evolution of electronic devices. As new technologies emerge and consumer demands evolve, the need for advanced and specialized display solutions becomes increasingly important. Custom LCD modules enable manufacturers to incorporate the latest display technologies, such as touchscreens, curved displays, and transparent displays, into their products, allowing for new and exciting possibilities in device design. By embracing custom LCD modules, manufacturers can stay ahead of the curve and position themselves as leaders in their respective industries.

Moreover, custom LCD modules offer manufacturers a competitive edge by streamlining the design and production process. By working closely with a custom LCD module provider, manufacturers can receive tailored support and expertise in developing their display solutions. From conceptualization and prototyping to mass production and quality control, custom LCD module providers offer comprehensive services to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. This collaborative approach not only accelerates time-to-market but also enables manufacturers to achieve cost efficiencies and minimize design iterations, ultimately leading to a more competitive and successful product.

In conclusion, the future of custom LCD modules in the evolution of electronic devices is bright and promising. As technology continues to advance and the demand for personalized, high-performance displays grows, custom LCD modules will play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the landscape of display technology. By embracing custom LCD modules, manufacturers can unlock new possibilities for innovation, differentiation, and success in the competitive marketplace. As the industry continues to evolve, it is clear that custom LCD modules are set to become the cornerstone of future electronic devices.


In conclusion, custom LCD modules offer a wide range of benefits for electronic devices. From improved display quality and versatility to customization and cost-effectiveness, these modules provide valuable solutions for a variety of applications. Whether you're designing a new product or looking to enhance the performance of an existing device, incorporating custom LCD modules can elevate the user experience and add significant value to your electronic products. With the advancements in technology and the ability to tailor these modules to specific requirements, the possibilities are endless. Embracing the benefits of custom LCD modules can undoubtedly set your electronic devices apart in an increasingly competitive market.


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