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Requirements for the packaging of electronic components

Requirements for the packaging of electronic components

17 March 2010 Enclosures, Racks, Cabinets & Panel Products

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Electronics packaging systems for the housing of electronic components must satisfy a wide range of requirements, from accommodating printed circuit boards to containing complete systems, and are realised in various physical forms (see Figure 1) such as cabinets for indoor or outdoor use, as portable cases for mobile applications or for stationary use in a desktop enclosure, or as a case for mounting in a cabinet or wall-mounted enclosure.

Figure 1. Cabinets and cases as electronics ‘packaging’

Various environmental conditions may demand sealing against splash water, optimised cooling options, EMC shielding and much more. The user must pay due attention to these fundamental requirements in selecting the appropriate electronics ‘packaging’ for a given application.

What has to be packaged and where should it be positioned? These questions can only be answered by the user and are the starting point from which the particular requirements for a suitable electronics packaging can be evaluated.

Specifying packaging dimensions

The dimensions of the electronics packaging are governed, on the one hand, from the size and type of the electronics component groups themselves, and on the other, by any applicable guidelines or restrictions related to the location in which the system is to be used. If the components are primarily non-standardised, such as non-standard PCBs, then non-standard enclosures are used, at least with regard to the interior construction. If the electronic component groups are not too large, a suitable container is the so-called frame-type plug-in unit – a relatively compact unit that can in turn be mounted in standardised subracks or cases. In their exterior dimensions, frame-type plug-in units are 19-inch compatible and can accommodate both standard and non-standard components.

It is always advisable to make use of standardised components, eg, those compatible with the 19-inch standard, as there are a large number of solutions available for these on the market. Use of standard products saves the user development time, tool costs and the need to warehouse special components. Where the electronics sub-assemblies and components are larger, subracks, cases or cabinets can provide suitable packaging. In most of these, various accessory parts also provide the option of mounting non-standard assemblies. If the components to be accommodated are themselves 19-inch-compatible, the situation is further simplified.

The final installation location also has a bearing on the dimensions of the packaging. Often the available space is very limited, eg, on ships or other vehicles or even in data centres, such that specific guidelines must be observed. These boundary conditions can then create the first specifications and options relevant to the construction system being used. Mounting of electronics components can thus be in the form of:

* A frame-type plug-in unit in a subrack or case.

* Directly in a subrack or a case.

* A portable case.

* A desktop enclosure.

* A case mounted within a cabinet.

* A wall-mounted enclosure.

* A cabinet.

Standards and specifications

Depending on the area of application of the electronics, international and/or market specific standards and specifications must be observed. Current electronics packaging standards include standard dimensions supplements (IEC 60297-1, IEC 60297-2, IEC 60297-3-101, IEC 60297-3-102, IEC 60297-3-103, IEC 61969-2-1, IEC 61969-2-2, IEC 60917-2-X) and – at a higher level - criteria for physical integration (IEC 61587-1, IEC 61969-3), earthquake resistance (IEC 61587-2), electromagnetic compatibility (IEC 61587-3) and thermal management (IEC 62194 Ed.1).

The ETS standards are set by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) for telecommunications systems in Europe. ETS standards are closely tied to the IEC standards with particular reference to telecommunications systems.

In addition to the IEC standards are specifications for applications that are necessary in certain market segments. Examples are VME from VITA (VME International Trade Association) or CompactPCI, MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA from PICMG (PCI International Computer Manufacturing Group). Moreover, there are special standards for applications in railway and military technology such as special welding specifications (IEC 60297) and environmental tests (EN 50155) for railway technology, shock and vibration tests (MIL 901D) (Figure 2) for maritime applications, etc.

Figure 2. Shock and vibration testing of the Varistar cabinet platform in the laboratory

Special safety and protection standards must also be observed. All conductive parts of a mechanical enclosure that come into contact with dangerous voltages must be earthed and tested to IEC 61010-1. The mechanical parts of a system must be free of sharp edges to prevent injury. Assemblies that generate heat and are accessible by the user must be covered or shielded. The materials and construction of the enclosure system must also be chosen in such a way as to prevent the spread of fire.

Plastics should conform to class V 2 (or better) for self-extinguishing materials, tested to IEC 60707. ISO 14000 must be observed in regard to the toxic additives found in materials of the higher self-extinguishing classes. The covering of a construction system must be so designed that flammable material cannot drip into other areas such as a cabinet. IEC 60950 specifies eg, the design requirements for ventilation holes on the underside of a cover.

IEC 60529 sets out the degree of IP protection for cabinets and cases against the entry of dust and water, and also the protection of persons from dangers in the enclosure. The IP grade consists of two digits: the first indicates the protection against foreign bodies (from inserted fingers through to the entry of dust); the second gives the protection against entry of water.

The multitude of considerations may seem complicated and confusing but need not be so – this hurdle can easily be overcome by using a competent electronics packaging partner. The user’s task is to describe the area of application of the electronics in as much detail as possible, and the electronics packaging specialist will handle the rest. It is important that the specialist be involved in the project from the early planning stage in order that the best and most cost-effective solution can be worked out.

Static and dynamic loading

Static loads arise primarily from the weight of the housed components. Factors affecting this include the material used in the construction (steel plate, aluminium, plastic), whether this is glued, welded, bolted or formed of a single piece, and the extent to which a weight-optimised design is possible. Depending on the application, eg, for railway applications, it may be necessary for suitable extra reinforcement or stiffening to be allowed for.

Also significant here is whether the system will be moved and repositioned or whether it is specifically designed for mobile use. If the system is to be transported to the installation location fully assembled, allowance is normally also made for variable dynamic loads. Such shock and vibration influences must also be taken into account for certain installation locations, such as near to rotating machines, in railway or transport applications and on ships and aircraft. If the application location is situated in an earthquake zone, the appropriate seismic testing must in all cases be performed beforehand.

Electromagnetic shielding

Requirements for electronic devices concerning EMC shielding vary according to the application and the environment in which it is located. This issue does not only concern high-frequency aspects. Shielding starts with the topic of ESD and extends through low-frequency capacitive or inductive coupling and mains-frequency interference up to high-frequency interference from electromagnetic radiation. Side, top and base parts, plus rear and front elements of cases and cabinets, are thus conductively linked to one another all round with a conductive surface (passivated or similar) and also with contact materials such as stainless steel spring seals or textile EMC gaskets. Even every cable entry must be appropriately protected.

Whether or not the steps taken for EMC sealing satisfy the appropriate requirements can be verified by means of the standardised EMC tests (VG95373 part 15)(Figure 3). In this area Schroff works together with independent, certified laboratories. The environmental standard IEC 61587 also defines tests for the EMC behaviour of cabinets, cases and subracks. Part 3 of IEC 61587 defines the test conditions for empty cabinets and subracks in terms of their EMC shielding characteristics in a frequency range from 30 Hz to 1 GHz and the required attenuation values. Here the standard relates primarily to IEC 60297 and IEC 60917.

Figure 3. Test rig for electromagnetic shielding

The definition of various shielding efficiencies should also facilitate the choice by the user of the appropriate construction system on the basis of reference values. It must be borne in mind that this standard is restricted solely to the mechanics for electronic devices; it does not apply to the electronic devices themselves. Other standards apply to the end products. In normal cases, the test procedures required for these differ substantially from those described in the above standards. These tests are usually carried out by the manufacturer of the finished system or by testing laboratories contracted for the purpose. Different levels of shielding can be achieved depending on the type of cabinet, case or subrack construction.

In order to establish the necessary level of shielding, it is necessary to determine not only the critical interference frequencies emitted by the installed electronics, but also the frequencies of interference received from outside that may affect the enclosed electronics.

Temperature conditions

To assure the functional reliability and dependability of a system, it is necessary, among other things, to extract the heat generated by the active components housed in the cabinet or case. In most cases, the type of cooling is selected on the basis of two criteria: the magnitude of the dissipated heat and the installation location.

In airconditioned rooms, the electronics cabinets used are mostly open, air-cooled units. Where the waste heat is greater, external fans are added to those of the components themselves, which may be eg, chassis fans, pusher fans, air-filtered fans or air/air heat exchangers (AAHE). Depending on the type of this supporting air cooling, the cabinets must be partially or fully closed, as in the case of air-filtered fans or an AAHE. Wherever the temperature of the surrounding air is insufficient to maintain the required temperature in the required location, however, further cooling is effected with either an airconditioner unit or water cooling.

An optimised air cooling system is normally sufficient for subracks and cases. For more complex VMEbus, CompactPCI, MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA systems, guidelines are also provided in their respective specifications. Schroff develops and manufactures its own cooling solutions in line with these guidelines.

Often helpful, and increasingly necessary, is a thermal simulation of the heat generation and the effect of the heat in a cabinet or case, using purpose-designed software (Figure 4). In the hands of an experienced specialist, the software provides results that allow an optimal cooling design as well as the best use of the available space. The professional design of an electronics system therefore assumes that a specialist in these calculations is involved in the planning phase to advise the developer and to perform the calculations required.

Figure 4. Temperature distribution within a cabinet after optimising by simulation

Noise emission and sound insulation

The possible noise exposure for employees (where the system is installed indoors) or residents (outdoor installation) close to the installation should not be underestimated. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to observing the relevant guidelines and regulations. These set limit values or benchmarks for noise levels for offices, workspaces and machines. The noise level should be kept as low as is technically possible. For office or laboratory environments the limits are from 40 to a maximum of 50 dB(A). For outdoor installations, standards such as ETS 300 753 (European Telecommunication Standard) (Table 1) determine the permissible limits.

Table 1

Suitable measures for observing these regulations include, for example, the use of an intelligent algorithm to control the fan rotation speed where active air cooling is provided with air-filtered fans. This allows the system to stay within the noise level limits specified. Moreover, in Schroff designs, the fans are over-dimensioned, so that they do not have to run at full speed in order to provide the necessary air throughput, thus also keeping noise low. In the case of AAHEs and airconditioner units, special vibration insulation is employed to provide a high degree of mechanical decoupling from the cabinet. Where necessary, additional stiffening is added to the interior of the cabinet in order to convert any oscillation to a frequency that causes less of a disturbance.

Environmental considerations for outdoor installation

For outdoor installations, extremes of environmental conditions must also be borne in mind – such as sand, dust, insects, rodents, vandalism and vibration. It is also recommended that such installations avoid any visible screws or fixings, to prevent unauthorised access or tampering.

Similar in importance are the influences of cold, heat and direct sunlight. The matter of climate control is particularly important in outdoor situations: here not only must the heat generated by the components be dealt with, but also the effects of external influences (such as the time of year and time of day). For such installations, Schroff has developed cabinets eg, with a double-wall design. This concept provides a natural airflow between the outer and inner walls, thus requiring substantially less energy input for additional cooling. Heat gain from direct and reflected sunlight is avoided by up to 85%. Where external temperatures are very low, a heating unit is installed in the cabinet or case.

Environmental considerations for indoor installation

Indoor installation can be in a variety of settings, from office and laboratory environments to harsh situations in an industrial production facility. Important criteria here are the type of IP protection, EMC shielding, temperature and noise prevention. If the installation is in an office environment, temperature and noise prevention are the most important criteria. In removing waste heat it must be ensured that this is not exhausted into the room, as this would raise the room temperature. The noise level limits are also considerably lower in office settings than they are in, for example, industrial production.

In industrial installations, the removal of waste heat is of course important, but here IP protection and EMC shielding are of particular significance. Some machines and production systems can emit interference signals that may interfere with the functioning of the electronics in the cabinet or case if it is not sufficiently shielded. Simulations and tests performed during the course of project development in a packaging partner’s laboratories, such as heat simulation using Schroff’s Flotherm software, can shorten development time and give assurance between the individual development stages.

Visual aspects

The exterior design of electronics enclosures has become more important in recent years, even in industry. Schroff therefore offers a platform of cases that differ in their outward appearance but feature the same interfaces and/or internal mounting options. This ensures that the same off-the-shelf components from Schroff’s ‘construction kit’ can be used in any of them. Various exchangeable parts allow entire families of devices to be constructed – small cases, desktop enclosures or tower systems – with the same visual design. Different design variants are also available for cabinets. A wide selection of RAL colours (Figure 5), different surface treatments and printing options allow a customised, individual product to be created.

Figure 5. Varistar cabinet platform: available in individual variants and many RAL colours

Integrating cabling, earthing, backplanes and power supply

Electronics packaging is more than merely the ‘packaging’ of the electronics, as users increasingly request that additional components be integrated into the package. With Schroff, this system integration includes the integration of electromechanical and electronic components such as EMC components, cabling, switches, backplanes, PSUs, monitoring devices and cooling solutions within a cabinet or case. Users thus obtain a kind of plug-and-play product for their 19-inch system. Schroff undertakes the entire project management and advises the customer from the initial specification and design through purchase, prototype manufacture, testing and checking through to actual product manufacture, including logistics and after-sales service.

Ease of assembly, transportation and packaging

The ease of assembly of a system is also of importance. Normally systems can be supplied either as kits or fully assembled. In all cases it is important to ensure that the system can be assembled simply (Figure 6), without requiring expensive special tools or demanding excessive time because the assembly instructions are unclear or complicated.

Figure 6. The ease of assembly of a system plays an important role

Also of increasing importance is customer support around the product, beginning with configuring and advising on the ordering and covering delivery and, finally, disposal. With Schroff, customers can create their individual product from a large pool of off-the-shelf components. Support is available for this via interactive online configurators.

Schroff supports and advises its customers throughout the entire product lifecycle: from delivery to recycling. This also includes services such as delivery to the point of use, commissioning, warranty extensions, maintenance, repair, parts and modernising. And since Schroff places a high priority on responsibility towards the environment, the service is completed with an environmentally sustainable recycling process at the end of the product’s useful life.


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Practical Tips to Determine the Right Shielded Enclosure

Choosing the right shielded enclosure need not be a difficult procedure if you apply some of the methodical skills you learned in engineering school. For starters, deduce which enclosure material and design provide the appropriate shielding level. Some steps to take are outlined by Al Domeshek, engineering manager at Optima Electronic Packaging Systems:

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Verify attenuation levels required at the frequencies of interest. Since the enclosure is passive, the internal and external environments determine the levels of EMI/RFI emissions and the frequencies at which they need to be attenuated.

Evaluate the design. Understand the construction details and shielding provisions to determine what works.

Appraise the limitations of existing enclosure designs and determine if improvements are possible with gaskets or heavier materials such as steel instead of aluminum.

Consider the need for access and cable entry to minimize enclosure openings.

Determine the impact of cost, weight, shielding deterioration, and environment on the performance and heat dissipation of the enclosure material.

The ideal shielded cabinet is a metal box with no seams or openings because any opening creates a potential EMI/RFI path, said Dan Estes at Emcor Products. This, however, is not a realistic expectation because openings are needed for maintenance, ventilation of equipment, and electrical connections. In addition, no single enclosure works in all situations, and tests performed on different equipment using the same enclosure will not pass automatically.

Meeting the requirements of an EMI shielding standard depends on the operating frequency of the equipment, its susceptibility to EMI/RFI signals, the amount of shielding on the equipment, and its power source, said Mr. Estes. The enclosure design you select will be dictated in part by the level of shielding needed. The shielding effectiveness (SE) of the enclosure is determined by its material, the construction of the frame and panel-joint design. You can verify the SE by performing tests to assess an enclosure’s suitability.

SE is measured by establishing the reference intensity of an incident magnetic, electric, or plane-wave electromagnetic field, said George Ross, director of marketing at Vero Electronics. The test is done in a screen room by transmitting RF energy to a radio receiver and measuring the field intensity at the receiver antenna terminals.

The transmitting antenna is placed in the equipment under test, and the field strength is measured. The SE is defined as the ratio of electric or magnetic field strengths before and after the placement of the shield around the equipment under test:

SE = 20 log(Fb/Fa)

where: Fb = the field strength before shielding.

Fa = the field strength after shielding.

The field-strength values can be the intensity of a high-impedance electric field (E) measured in volts-per-meter, the intensity of a low-impedance magnetic field (H) measured in amperes-per-meter, or the intensity of a plane wave. The ratio of E and H components in an electromagnetic wave is known as the wave impedance. The magnitude of wave impedance affects how the interference signal is attenuated at the shield.

The E-field wave impedance diminishes exponentially from the source of radiation to a distance of approximately 1/6th of a wavelength from the source. The H-field wave impedance increases over the same distance. At more than 1/6th of a wavelength, the wave impedance remains constant at 377 W , the characteristic impedance of free space.

Reflection and absorption of a signal limit the transmission of electromagnetic waves through a shield, said Vero’s Mr. Ross. In the E-field, attenuation by reflection improves with conductivity. It is adversely affected by increases in frequency, permeability, and, within the near field, distance from the signal.

In the H-field, increasing conductivity, frequency, and distance from the source are beneficial. Decreasing the permeability improves the attenuation.

For a plane wave, the more conductive the material, the better the attenuation. Reductions in frequency and permeability also can improve attenuation.

Attenuation by absorption, said Mr. Ross, is improved as conductivity, permeability, material thickness, and frequency increase. For conductive materials ³ 1 mm-thick and frequencies above 1 kHz, attenuation due to material properties can exceed 200 dB. For very thin shields, such as conductive coatings on plastic enclosures, attenuation is inherently low. Therefore, material properties become an important part of the equation to attain the desired shielding.

Once you know what level of shielding is required, review the available enclosure materials. Although a variety of materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, and plastics are used, cold rolled steel generally is considered the most cost-effective, said Emcor’s Mr. Estes. Whichever material is used, it should be thick enough to provide adequate absorption as well as assist in maintaining the structural rigidity of the cabinet.

The level of shielding that suits the application should be considered at the component, board, system, and multiple-system levels for the best results, said Mr. Ross of Vero.

At the component level, consider using metal screens to enclose devices such as inductors, transformers, and small modules such as switching power supplies, continued Mr. Ross. For board-level protection, think about enclosing the board in a screening module or in a treated small plastic enclosure. These modules can house individual plug-in boards and offer a high level of attenuation, and they can screen particularly noisy or sensitive boards. If you use these modules, make sure that you use connectors that maintain the shielding properties of the screen.

Enclosing multiple boards at the system level is achieved by using subracks, desk-mounting enclosures, and treated, plastic enclosures, said Mr. Ross. Subracks can be retrofitted with EMC covers in ventilated or unventilated forms. Desktop versions also are available in ventilated and unventilated versions and include a wraparound cover. The treated cases offer a high level of attenuation.

Enclosures for multiple systems requires that they be individually shielded in large, screened cabinets, continued Mr. Ross. This method offers good EMC performance, and many manufacturers supply fully assembled enclosures with an extensive range of sizes, accessories, and options. EMC performance is maintained with finger stock around the doors and covers.

Also ensure that your enclosure has a rigid structure. An enclosure that does not have structural rigidity will not maintain flat surfaces between the frame and its component parts, continued Mr. Estes of Emcor. It makes it more difficult to seal and more susceptible to leaks.

To enhance the stiffness, the frame should be constructed of tubing or multiformed frame channels. The corner posts should be fully welded to the top and bottom pieces. Welded joints strengthen the frame and minimize the areas of potential EMI/RFI leakage.

Rigidity and flatness of mating surfaces, such as panels or doors with the frame, also must be addressed. These best surfaces are those using heavier gauge materials in addition to the multiformed corner posts. For the best shielding performance, a conductive surface is needed on these mating surfaces. The surfaces also must be galvanically compatible to prevent corrosion.

The attachment methods of the enclosure panels and doors are important for attenuating radiated signals, said Mr. Estes. Using fasteners to attach the closure panels will ensure that gasket compression is adequate to seal the opening.

When you become familiar with the available materials and know your shielding-level requirements, then review design techniques and construction principles with your chosen manufacturer, said Mr. Ross of Vero. Seek more information from your manufacturer about other details such as slots, ventilation, grilles, honeycomb vent materials, and windows.

Slots or apertures such as doors, panel joints, and ventilation grilles can limit the actual shielding level to well below the achievable shielding level of the enclosure material. The shielding effect on a slot in an enclosure can vary according to its length, cross-sectional area, and orientation. It can interrupt the current flow by setting up electric charges along the slot edges and becoming a waveguide slot antenna.

The slot size should be kept to the smallest opening in all directions to minimize electric charges, said Mr. Ross. The higher the frequency encountered, the smaller the slot size should be.

Allowing for ventilation and heat exchange through convection requires an opening in the shield, said Kris Holla, vice president at Elma Electronic. Usually, the opening is a panel with slots. The optimum opening is circular because it keeps the critical dimension, the length, to a minimum and therefore provides better attenuation than long thin openings.

The openings should be kept shorter than 1/20th of a wavelength at the highest frequency of concern, to achieve approximately 20 dB of attenuation, said Mr. Holla. For example, if your equipment has frequencies in the 300 MHz range, the slots should be kept shorter than 2″ in length.

A vent made out of honeycomb material provides a good dimensional aspect ratio and satisfactory attenuation properties. It is made from very thin sheet metal and offers excellent ventilation characteristics. Honeycomb material does have its disadvantages, including high cost, fragility, and bulkiness.

Windows are used in enclosures for shielding and viewing. Some window constructions may have a metallic wire mesh or a thin, perforated sheet bonded between transparent sheets of glass, acrylic, or polycarbonate. These materials are rigid and heavy, prone to shattering, and reduce the transparency of the window.

Another type of window construction uses a conductive coating of vacuum-deposited gold or indium oxide and provides good transparency. It has lower attenuation than the wire mesh or perforated sheets.

After you have gathered all the data regarding the material, construction, and shielding, you can judge which enclosure is best for your application.

Shielded Enclosures

Enclosure Provides

68-dB Shielding @ 100 MHz

The Type 15 Smart Enclosure Series is designed for tabletop and rack-mount use. Shielding effectiveness is 46 dB @ 100 MHz with an option kit extending it to 68 dB @ 100 MHz. The enclosure ranges in size from 3.5″ to 7.0″ high, 9.3″ to 17.7″ wide, and 9.6″ to 15.6″ deep. Elma Electronic, (510) 656-3400.

Modular Enclosure Meets

Military Shielding Levels

The Emission Control Plus line of enclosures provides the level of shielding attenuation required by the military. Tests performed at an FCC-recognized and Tempest-capable facility meet the requirements of MIL-STD-285. The line features a rigid 12-gauge frame, a patented door and latching system, and modular options. The enclosure is nickel-plated with beryllium-copper spring-finger gasketing. Shielded doors are available in plain or honeycomb-filtered styles. Emcor Products, (507) 289-3371.

Shielded Cabinets Provide

50-dB Attenuation @ 1 GHz

With the addition of a metallizing process and EMI gaskets to limit emissions and interference, the FCC/VDE Line of shielded enclosures meets the European Union EMC requirements. The enclosures provide 50-dB attenuation @ 1 GHz. Built to the specifications of the company’s cold-rolled steel Heavy-Duty Line, the FCC/VDE model holds more than 3,000 lb of equipment. It also meets requirements of MIL-STD 810 for shock and vibration and MIL-STD 901 for shock. The cabinet is available in panel widths of 19″, 24″, and 30″ and 17″, 24″, 29″, and 36″ deep. It is offered in 10 heights with vertical and sloped front consoles. Equipto Electronics, (800) 204-RACK.

Modular Chassis Meets

Basic to MIL-STD Requirements

Primus is the 19″ modular chassis suitable for applications ranging from basic EMI/RFI needs to MIL-STD 810E shockproof requirements. Retrofitable chassis components are available to meet changing EMI/RFI shielding needs. The system includes an enclosure, a backplane, a power supply, a cooling apparatus, cabling, and shielding. Knurr USA, (805) 526-7733.

Anechoic Chamber Helps Meet

EU, ANSI and IEC Requirements

The FACT 5 Free-Space Anechoic Chamber Test Site helps perform on-site full-compliance EMI testing at 3 m and 10 m. The chamber dimensions are 59’ L × 39’ D × 26’ H. It meets ANSI C63.4, prEN 50147, and IEC 1000-4-3 testing requirements. Lindgren RF Enclosures, (630) 307-7200.

Monitor Enclosure Eliminates

Magnetic-Field Disturbances

The Image Guard™ II Enclosure eliminates monitor-screen disturbances caused by magnetic fields from power lines, medical equipment, and computers. It prevents smeared colors or jitter in the image. The shield uses CO-NETIC AA, a magnetic shielding alloy. Enclosure finishes include metal, wood veneer, or Formica. Magnetic Shield, (630) 766-7800.

Enclosure Top/Sidewalls

Made of One Piece

The ES 5000 and PS 4000 EMC Enclosures are made of sheet steel with zinc/aluminum surfaces. Continuous bonding between the housing and flat enclosure components is maintained via a combination of EMC/NEMA gasketing. A zinc-galvanized mounting panel provides a large surface for equipotential bonding of interference sources. Enclosure roof and sidewalls are made of one piece. Rittal, (800) 477-4000.

Cabinet Is Used

For ETSI Applications

The ETRAK VE-7900 Networking Cabinet is available with accessories to accommodate European telecommunications as well as EMC requirements. The cabinet offers inter-rack cabling that installs without threading. Doors and side panels have a quick-release design. Accessories include vented panels, ducting trays, and monitored fan trays. The cabinets are supplied fully assembled and configured. Vero Electronics, (800) 642-VERO.

Copyright 1997 Nelson Publishing Inc.

September 1997

For more information, please visit Subracks Electronic Packaging Systems.

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