How much rhodiola extract?

Author: Jesse

May. 27, 2024




Health Benefits of Rhodiola - WebMD

Also referred to as golden root or arctic root, rhodiola is a supplement utilized to address stress, fatigue, and various other common ailments. This supplement is derived from the rhodiola plant, which thrives in the cold, high-altitude regions of Europe. Rhodiola can be consumed as tablets or taken in tincture form.

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Eastern medicine practitioners and European clinicians, especially those in Scandinavia and Russia, categorize rhodiola as an adaptogen—a non-toxic plant that assists the body in dealing with stress.

But is rhodiola suitable for everyone? Before incorporating it into your diet, it is essential to understand the health advantages and potential risks associated with rhodiola.

Long-time users of rhodiola claim it offers advantages such as reducing fatigue, alleviating anxiety and depression, and enhancing stamina, energy, and athletic performance.

Additional health benefits include:

Mitigating Anxiety

In our fast-paced modern world, people are constantly connected, which is both exhilarating and stressful. Anxiety, which is an intense feeling of worry, can sometimes become overwhelming. Rhodiola aids in lowering anxiety levels and mitigating stress effects due to its rich antioxidant content.

According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, antioxidants not only reduce cell damage caused by free radicals but also alleviate stress and anxiety in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Participants in the study—who initially had lower antioxidant levels—showed reduced anxiety and depression symptoms after receiving antioxidants for a specified period.

Slowing Aging Signs

Antioxidants can also contribute to a more graceful aging process. Over time, cell damage is inevitable, but certain antioxidants can decelerate this process by influencing the DNA and boosting cells' resistance to environmental stressors such as smoking or radiation.

Enhancing Memory

Rhodiola is often used to boost memory and mental performance. Along with ongoing research on its effects on ADHD and other attention-related conditions, studies have highlighted rhodiola's positive impact on cognitive functions by reducing stress and fatigue.

RHODIOLA - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Abidov, M., Crendal, F., Grachev, S., Seifulla, R., and Ziegenfuss, T. Effect of extracts from Rhodiola rosea and Rhodiola crenulata (Crassulaceae) roots on ATP content in mitochondria of skeletal muscles. Bull Exp.Biol.Med ;136(6):585-587. View abstract.

Baranov VB. Experimental trials of herbal adaptogen effect on the quality of operation activity, mental and professional work capacity. Contract 93-11-615 Stage 2 Phase I. Moscow, Russia: Russian Federation Ministry of Health Institute of Medical and Biological Problems ;

Bawa, A. S. and Khanum, F. Anti-inflammatory activity of Rhodiola rosea--"a second-generation adaptogen". Phytother.Res ;23(8):-. View abstract.

Blomkvist, J., Taube, A., and Larhammar, D. Perspective on Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) studies. Planta Med ;75(11):-. View abstract.

Brichenko VS, Kupriyanova IE Skorokhova TF. The use of herbal adaptogens with tricyclic antidepressants in patients with psychogenic depression. Modern Problems of Pharmacology and Search for New Medicines.Tomsk, Russia: Tomsk State University Press ;58-60.

Calcabrini, C., De, Bellis R., Mancini, U., Cucchiarini, L., Potenza, L., De, Sanctis R., Patrone, V., Scesa, C., and Dacha, M. Rhodiola rosea ability to enrich cellular antioxidant defences of cultured human keratinocytes. Arch Dermatol Res ;302(3):191-200. View abstract.

Challem, J. Medical journal watch:context and applications. Rhodiola may help treat anxiety. Alternative & Complementary Therapies ;14(4):220-221.

Chen, Q. G., Zeng, Y. S., Qu, Z. Q., Tang, J. Y., Qin, Y. J., Chung, P., Wong, R., and Hagg, U. The effects of Rhodiola rosea extract on 5-HT level, cell proliferation and quantity of neurons at cerebral hippocampus of depressive rats. Phytomedicine. ;16(9):830-838. View abstract.

Chen, T. S., Liou, S. Y., and Chang, Y. L. Antioxidant evaluation of three adaptogen extracts. Am J Chin Med ;36(6):-. View abstract.

Chen, Z. G., Lu, Y., Wang, Z. T., Tao, X. Y., and Wei, D. Z. Protective effects of salidroside on hypoxia/reoxygenation injury by sodium hydrosulfite in PC12 cells. Pharmaceutical Biology (Netherlands) ;45:604-612.

De Sanctis, R., De Bellis, R., Scesa, C., Mancini, U., Cucchiarini, L., and Dacha, M. In vitro protective effect of Rhodiola rosea extract against hypochlorous acid-induced oxidative damage in human erythrocytes. Biofactors ;20(3):147-159. View abstract.

Dement'eva, L. A. and Iaremenko, K. V. [Effect of a Rhodiola extract on the tumor process in an experiment]. Vopr.Onkol ;33(7):57-60. View abstract.

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Evdokimov, V. G. [Effect of cryopowder Rhodiola rosae L. on cardiorespiratory parameters and physical performance of humans]. Aviakosm.Ekolog.Med ;43(6):52-56. View abstract.

Evstatieva, L., Todorova, M., Antonova, D., and Staneva, J. Chemical composition of the essential oils of Rhodiola rosea L. of three different origins. Pharmacogn.Mag. ;6(24):256-258. View abstract.

Fintelmann, V. and Gruenwald, J. Efficacy and tolerability of a Rhodiola rosea extract in adults with physical and cognitive deficiencies. Adv.Ther ;24(4):929-939. View abstract.

Gupta, V., Lahiri, S. S., Sultana, S., Tulsawani, R. K., and Kumar, R. Anti-oxidative effect of Rhodiola imbricata root extract in rats during cold, hypoxia and restraint (C-H-R) exposure and post-stress recovery. Food Chem.Toxicol. ;48(4):-. View abstract.

Hu, X., Lin, S., Yu, D., Qiu, S., Zhang, X., and Mei, R. A preliminary study: the anti-proliferation effect of salidroside on different human cancer cell lines. Cell Biol Toxicol. ;26(6):499-507. View abstract.

Hu, X., Zhang, X., Qiu, S., Yu, D., and Lin, S. Salidroside induces cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. Biochem.Biophys.Res Commun. 7-16-;398(1):62-67. View abstract.

Huang, S. C., Lee, F. T., Kuo, T. Y., Yang, J. H., and Chien, C. T. Attenuation of long-term Rhodiola rosea supplementation on exhaustive swimming-evoked oxidative stress in the rat. Chin J Physiol 10-31-;52(5):316-324. View abstract.

Hung, S. K., Perry, R., and Ernst, E. The effectiveness and efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L.: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Phytomedicine. 2-15-;18(4):235-244. View abstract.

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Ip, S. P., Che, C. T., and Leung, P. S. Association of free radicals and the tissue renin-angiotensin system: prospective effects of Rhodiola, a genus of Chinese herb, on hypoxia-induced pancreatic injury. JOP. ;2(1):16-25. View abstract.

Jafari, M., Felgner, J. S., Bussel, I. I., Hutchili, T., Khodayari, B., Rose, M. R., Vince-Cruz, C., and Mueller, L. D. Rhodiola: a promising anti-aging Chinese herb. Rejuvenation.Res ;10(4):587-602. View abstract.

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Kobayashi, K., Yamada, K., Murata, T., Hasegawa, T., Takano, F., Koga, K., Fushiya, S., Batkhuu, J., and Yoshizaki, F. Constituents of Rhodiola rosea showing inhibitory effect on lipase activity in mouse plasma and alimentary canal. Planta Med ;74(14):-. View abstract.

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Lazarova, M. B., Petkov, V. D., Markovska, V. L., Petkov, V. V., and Mosharrof, A. Effects of meclofenoxate and Extr. Rhodiolae roseae L. on electroconvulsive shock-impaired learning and memory in rats. Methods Find.Exp.Clin.Pharmacol. ;8(9):547-552. View abstract.

Lee, F. T., Kuo, T. Y., Liou, S. Y., and Chien, C. T. Chronic Rhodiola rosea extract supplementation enforces exhaustive swimming tolerance. Am J Chin Med ;37(3):557-572. View abstract.

Li, H. B., Ge, Y. K., Zheng, X. X., and Zhang, L. Salidroside stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells by activating AMP-activated protein kinase. Eur J Pharmacol 7-7-;588(2-3):165-169. View abstract.

Li, X., Ye, X., Li, X., Sun, X., Liang, Q., Tao, L., Kang, X., and Chen, J. Salidroside protects against MPP(+)-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells by inhibiting the NO pathway. Brain Res 1-15-; View abstract.

Mao, G. X., Wang, Y., Qiu, Q., Deng, H. B., Yuan, L. G., Li, R. G., Song, D. Q., Li, Y. Y., Li, D. D., and Wang, Z. Salidroside protects human fibroblast cells from premature senescence induced by H(2)O(2) partly through modulating oxidative status. Mech.Ageing Dev ;131(11-12):723-731. View abstract.

Mao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., and Lu, G. Development of an HPLC method for the determination of salidroside in beagle dog plasma after administration of salidroside injection: application to a pharmacokinetics study. J Sep.Sci ;30(18):-. View abstract.

Maslov, L. N., Lishmanov, Y. B., Arbuzov, A. G., Krylatov, A. V., Budankova, E. V., Konkovskaya, Y. N., Burkova, V. N., and Severova, E. A. Antiarrhythmic activity of phytoadaptogens in short-term ischemia-reperfusion of the heart and postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Bull Exp.Biol Med ;147(3):331-334. View abstract.

Narimanian, M., Badalyan, M., Panosyan, V., Gabrielyan, E., Panossian, A., Wikman, G., and Wagner, H. Impact of Chisan (ADAPT-232) on the quality-of-life and its efficacy as an adjuvant in the treatment of acute non-specific pneumonia. Phytomedicine ;12(10):723-729. View abstract.

Noreen, E., Buckley, J., and Lewis, S. The effects of an acute dose of Rhodiola rosea on exercise performance and cognitive function. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition ;6(Suppl 1):14p.

Panossian, A., Hovhannisyan, A., Abrahamyan, H., Gabrielyan, E., Wikman, G., and Wagner, H. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of interaction of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract with warfarin and theophylline in rats. Phytother.Res ;23(3):351-357. View abstract.

Panossian, A., Nikoyan, N., Ohanyan, N., Hovhannisyan, A., Abrahamyan, H., Gabrielyan, E., and Wikman, G. Comparative study of Rhodiola preparations on behavioral despair of rats. Phytomedicine. ;15(1-2):84-91. View abstract.

Panossian, A., Wikman, G., and Sarris, J. Rosenroot (Rhodiola rosea): traditional use, chemical composition, pharmacology and clinical efficacy. Phytomedicine. ;17(7):481-493. View abstract.

Provino, R. The role of adaptogens in stress management. Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism ;22(2):41-49.

Qian, E. W., Ge, D. T., and Kong, S. K. Salidroside promotes erythropoiesis and protects erythroblasts against oxidative stress by up-regulating glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin. J Ethnopharmacol. 1-27-;133(2):308-314. View abstract.

Qu, Z. Q., Zhou, Y., Zeng, Y. S., Li, Y., and Chung, P. Pretreatment with Rhodiola rosea extract reduces cognitive impairment induced by intracerebroventricular streptozotocin in rats: implication of anti-oxidative and neuroprotective effects. Biomed.Environ Sci ;22(4):318-326. View abstract.

Rohloff, J. Volatiles from rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea L. Phytochemistry ;59(6):655-661. View abstract.

Schriner, S. E., Abrahamyan, A., Avanessian, A., Bussel, I., Maler, S., Gazarian, M., Holmbeck, M. A., and Jafari, M. Decreased mitochondrial superoxide levels and enhanced protection against paraquat in Drosophila melanogaster supplemented with Rhodiola rosea. Free Radic.Res ;43(9):836-843. View abstract.

Schriner, S. E., Avanesian, A., Liu, Y., Luesch, H., and Jafari,


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