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Answers To Top 10 RV Water Pressure Regulator Questions

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Are you wondering whether you need an RV water pressure regulator? Are you unsure of what the proper water pressure should be for your RV water system?

This article will answer these and many other common questions about RV water pressure regulators.

Plus, we include a list of helpful RV water-related resources. Be sure to check those out, too!

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1. What is an RV Water Pressure Regulator?

An RV water pressure regulator is a device that is installed in your RV's plumbing system to regulate the pressure of the water coming from the campground's water source. It ensures that the water pressure stays at a safe level to prevent damage to your RV's plumbing system, such as bursting water lines or water heaters.

2. Do You Need an RV Water Pressure Regulator?

Yes, you do. The water pressure coming from the campground's water source or city water connection can be too high for your RV's plumbing system to handle, leading to costly damages. A water pressure regulator is a great thing to have to ensure that the water pressure stays within a safe level.

3. What Should Your Water Pressure Regulator Be Set At?

The recommended water pressure for your RV's plumbing system is 40-50 psi (pounds per square inch). However, some RVs may require different pressure levels, so checking your RV's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations is best.
An adjustable RV water pressure regulator is the best solution since it allows you to set the pressure to the required level.

4. When Should You Use Your Water Pressure Regulator on Your RV?

You should use your RV water pressure regulator anytime you're connected to a campground's water source or a municipal water system. It's a good idea to use it even when filling your freshwater tank with a garden hose.
Always ensure that your RV water pressure regulator works correctly to prevent damage to your RV's plumbing system.

5. What Happens When Your Water Pressure Regulator Fails?

When a water pressure regulator fails, it can result in high water pressure, leading to damage to your RV's plumbing system. It can also result in low water pressure, which can affect the water flow rate in your RV's water system.

6. How Do You Know If Your Pressure Regulator Is Bad?

One of the signs that your RV pressure regulator is bad is if the water pressure coming into your RV is higher than the recommended safe level. Another sign is if the water flow rate is significantly lower than usual.
If you suspect that your water pressure regulator is bad, replacing it as soon as possible is essential to prevent damage to your RV's water system.

7. How Often Do Pressure Regulators Fail?

The frequency of pressure regulator failure depends on the regulator's quality and how much water pressure it has to regulate. If you use your RV frequently and connect it to a high-pressure water source, your water pressure regulator may wear out over time. It's essential to check it regularly and replace it when necessary.

8. What Are the Best RV Water Pressure Regulators?

There are many options when it comes to RV water pressure regulators. Some of the best ones include:

The Camco brand is well-known and well-respected in the RV world. So, it's no surprise this Camco regulator is a go-to for RVers. This regulator is made of lead-free, drinking-water-safe brass and has an adjustable pressure range of 40-50 psi.

This Renator regulator is made of lead-free brass and has an adjustable pressure range of 0-160 psi. Unlike the Camco, this regulator has a gauge showing you the water pressure level and a filter.

This RVGUARD regulator is also highly rated. Like the Renator, it has a pressure gauge and an inlet screen to help filter out impurities.

This Valterra regulator is also made of lead-free brass and has a pressure range of 0-75 psi. Like the Camco, this is a no-frills regulator that gets the job done.

9. Where Is the Best Place to Install an RV Water Pressure Regulator?

There is controversy here. Some say the best place to install your RV water pressure regulator is right before the main water line enters your RV. Others say right at the water spigot. Both work.

10. How Do You Install an RV Water Pressure Regulator?

Installing an RV water pressure regulator is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Turn off the water pump and disconnect any freshwater hose from the RV.
  2. Find the main water line that enters the RV and locate the connection point for the city water supply.
  3. Determine where you want the regulator to go &#; at the spigot or at the intake point. Again, either location is fine.
  4. Connect the fresh water hose to the other end of the regulator
  5. Turn on the water supply and check that the water pressure is within the recommended safe level.

Do You Have More RV Water Pressure Regulator Questions?

Ask your RV water pressure regulator questions in the comments below, and we will try to address them in our next blog update.

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Every time you move your RV it's like driving through a hurricane during an earthquake. Parts break and many items need to be maintained, this program will show you how you can save time and money by gaining the confidence to take on the majority of the issues you&#;ll come across. Don&#;t get caught with your RV in the shop! Learn how you can maintain and repair your RV at your own pace and at the most convenient time for you! This course is produced by the National RV Training Academy.

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

Outfitting a New RV - A Comprehensive Guide of What We ...

Last Updated on March 16, by Bonnie

So, you bought a camper. And now you are outfitting a new RV! Seriously, get excited because you are joining a great community and there are some seriously awesome times ahead of you! But first, you need to outfit your RV. Yep, that means getting a lot of gear. Don&#;t worry! Bonnie and I have you covered.

We bought our first camper back in March , took two weekend-long break-in trips in it, and then took it on the road for 38 days straight. We have now spent the past seven summers taking our camper all over the country and this is the stuff we use and love.

Read about our experience buying our first RV.

Pulling our camper over Powder River Pass in Wyoming.

Instead of leaving you to find out what works best for the RV and go search for a place to buy it, I have compiled a gear list for you and linked it all to Amazon. In general, we shop a lot at Amazon. We have Amazon Prime for two-day shipping and we have the Amazon Prime Rewards Credit Card, both of which we love. When you combine the two, you get 5% off your purchases at Amazon and the added bonus of 2% back at gas stations.

(Disclaimer: When we link to places where you can buy our stuff or places we stayed, we are using special codes that earn us commissions on the sales at no additional cost to you. Please see our Review Policy  for more information.)

Outfitting a New RV: Exterior Gear

When it comes to outfitting a new RV, I have broken up our guide into two sections: one concerning the outside of the camper and the other part dealing with the inside of the camper.

This section covers all of the stuff you need to tow your camper and set it up at the campground, including hitch, levelers, and utility connections.


Your hitch is one of the most important pieces of gear you can get and keeping everything about your hitch working properly is one of the best ways of reducing headaches.

Hitches for a travel trailer are very much a matter of personal preference. I suggest most folks towing a travel trailer should get some sort of weight-distributing hitch with sway control. It helps keep the back end of your truck from sagging and keeps the trailer from swaying all over the place.

Husky Centerline Hitch

I use the Husky Centerline TS because it is fairly easy to use, does not need to be disconnected when making tight turns and has worked like a champ for us.

That said, there is plenty of discussion in RV forums on other brands out there. The reason I have this particular hitch? This is what the dealer I bought my camper from carried and I got them to toss it in for the price of the camper! After more than seven years of towing with it, I recommend it.


Center Line TS Weight Distribution Hitch &#; 2-5/16&#; Ball &#; 12,000lbs

LIGHTER WEIGHT &#; Significantly lighter weight than competing products; PRE-INSTALLED HITCh BALL &#; Hitch ball is factory pre-installed and properly torqued

Gear for Your Hitch

Reese Towpower Hitch Lube Hitch Ball Cover Our hitch locks Leather work gloves will save your hands from grease and cuts.

Hitch Lube

Regardless of which hitch you get, get some hitch lube! I use Reese Towpower Hitch Ball Lube. It reduces noise and keeps everything moving smoothly on the various components of the hitch. Be sure you follow the manufacturer&#;s instructions on what to lube!

Reese Towpower Hitch Ball Lube

Multiple use jar; Water resistant; Reduces ball wear; Extends coupler life; Fights corrosion

Hitch Ball Cover

Once you lube up your ball, you are gonna need to cover it to keep from smearing the lube on your clothes, etc. You can read all the innuendo you want into that comment, too. My wife and I call this thing the ball condom.

Another, easier and cheaper trick is to grab hold of the hitch ball with a dirty, rubber-gloved hand. While you are holding on to the ball, pull the glove off your hand and onto the ball. That will cover the ball and prevent getting grease everywhere.

Leather Work Gloves

Work gloves are mighty handy for keeping your hands clean and not torn up. Trust me on this, you are gonna want leather work gloves when it comes to dealing with the hitch, among other things. The hitch is heavy and it will tear up your hands, plus the grease is, well&#; greasy.

Hitch locks

So, you bought your beautiful new trailer and expensive hitch&#; Are you really going to leave them unlocked when you park it? Nah, didn&#;t think so. We replaced our locks with this two-piece system. Why? Because one key is better than two keys!

Gear for Your Tires

Lug wrench and tire gauge Tire covers The Trailer-Aid is a great device but it didn&#;t have enough lift to get our widely-spaced axel off the ground. Safety Triangles Chock

Tires keep you rolling (pun intended) and you both need to take care of them and prepare for their failure.

Tire Gauge and Lug Wrench

First and foremost, get yourself a decent tire gauge. You will need it, period. Next, get yourself a lug wrench that will actually generate enough torque to unscrew a lug nut. This is what I have in my truck right now.


Gorilla Automotive Telescoping Power Wrench &#; Standard Socket

Telescoping handle extends to 21 inches for maximum leverage; Compacts to 14 inches for easy storage


We tried to use our Trailer-Aid and were a bit disappointed. While it got close, it did not quite get the other wheel off the ground when changing a tire. This was due to the spacing of our axles. If you have a Keystone camper, as we do, you might want to skip the Trailer-Aid. If you don&#;t have such widely-spaced axels, this would work like a charm. Still, we highly suggest testing it before relying upon it.

An alternative we found is using a LOT of Lynx Levelers to get the wheel high enough off the ground to change it. It is the same concept and we were able to get it high enough to change out the tire. A Trailer-Aid would be easier if you can make it work for your trailer.

Safety Markers

These are simple reflective caution triangles you use if you break down on the side of the road. It&#;s a small price to warn someone at night before they plow into your trailer.


Deflecto Early Warning Triangle Kit

Be seen and stay safe; Fluorescent orange triangles with red reflectors are highly visible day or night

Tire Covers

If you are going to be storing your RV for any period of time, you want to protect the tires with covers. These go on easy and fold up just as easily. They protect your tires from UV damage while they are being stored.


These are simple, yellow chocks that will keep your trailer from rolling. Get four of them (two packs of two). You can get more robust chocks if you feel you need them but we have never needed more than these for keeping the camper in one place.

Leveling Gear

It does not matter how much the campground advertises having level sites, they likely won&#;t be. You will need to level your trailer at least a little pretty much every time you camp. If you&#;re like us and don&#;t have a self-leveling system, that means you&#;re doing it manually.

Sometimes, it will be easy. Sometimes, it will be hard. The gizmos below will help make the process better.

Bubble level on the side of the camper Sometimes, you need to improvise to have a good sewer connection. In this case, having plenty of Lynx Levelers really helped out. Changing out the tire on the camper, again, with Lynx Levelers. They work great. Sometimes you need a lot to get your camper level. The scissor jack with levelers


Ok, so the first time you level your camper, you are going to want to use a nice carpenter&#;s level to make sure it is squared away. Once you do that, stick these bubble levels on the outside of your camper, near the front. They will tell you how many inches the camper needs to come up to be level.


Hopkins Towing Solutions Graduated Level, Regular

Designed to take the guesswork out of RV leveling; Markings indicate how many inches are required to raise or lower a trailer or vehicle

Lynx Levelers, Caps and Stop n&#; Chocks

Once you figured out how much you need to level, lay these plastic leveling blocks down and drive the trailer up onto them. The cool thing is one layer of them is supposed to be one inch on the bubble level. It isn&#;t always perfect but it takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.

I know some folks will haul 1&#;x4&#; scraps to level with. I am not a fan of using 1&#;x4&#;s for a few reasons: 1) Lynx Levelers are plastic and won&#;t rot and 2) they work like LEGOs and won&#;t slide.

I suggest getting three bags of 10 of these. We started with two bags and ran out in a couple of places leveling our camper and supporting the stabilizing jacks our first year. Since then, three bags has done the trick.

Lynx Caps go on top of the levelers to protect the &#;LEGO&#; connectors. They are great as stabilizer pads and can be used by themselves for leveling small amounts.

That said, with the above levelers and a cap, the &#;one level for one inch off&#; rule may not be quite exact. With a little practice, you&#;ll learn to read the gauge and determine what you need. Get two packs of four of the Lynx Caps.

Stop n&#; Chocks link into the Lynx Leveler to secure your trailer on the levels. Get one pack of two. I had a total of four and never used the other two. I ended up giving the other two away.

You can even use Lynx Levelers to help you change a tire!


A new addition to our camping gear is X-Chocks. These metal contraptions spread between the wheels on your camper to prevent your wheels from moving. They add a lot of stability to your camper, even more than the stabilizing jacks themselves.

We recently picked up some X-Chocks and were quite impressed without much additional stability they brought to the camper.

I will be honest, putting them on the first time is a bit of a hassle. It takes a lot of trial and error to get them on. That said, once you get them on, you just need to loosen them a small amount to take them off, which will make putting them on a second time a lot easier.

We had to order the extended version of X-Chocks so they would fit our Keystone trailer, which has wider than normal axle separation. Once we got them installed, we noticed a significant difference in the stability of our rig. These are well worth the price.

Ryobi One+ Gear

Home Depot&#;s house brand of power tools, Ryobi One+, makes a ton of different tools that all use the same rechargeable battery. They are reasonably priced and, if something breaks, you can easily find a replacement at any Home Depot. We have several of their tools that live in our camper and make life on the road a lot easier.

Outfitting a new RV with these tools will keep costs down (you only need a few batteries) and take up less space (you only need one charger). I have included links to Amazon to make shopping easier for you, but you can likely get these cheaper at Home Depot.

Scissor Jack Socket and Cordless Drill

All three of these tools use the same battery and charger.

I can&#;t tell you how much time this scissor jack drill adapter, combined with a cordless drill, will save you. You put this in your drill, then the stabilizer jacks go up and down in seconds. We saw a poor guy in Baker, NV putting down his scissor jacks by hand in 100+ degrees.

I went over to help him out with my drill only to discover the scissor jacks on his camper did not have a drive nut. My recommendation: if you have a camper that has jacks without a drive nut, pay to have them replaced with ones that do. This one trick will save you so much sweat.

Other Ryobi One+ Gear

I got this drill, a bare-bones model I picked up at Home Depot. It lives in the camper and I rarely use it for much more than driving the scissor jacks, but I have a drill bit kit just in case I need it.

I also have a portable fan that runs off either batteries or an outlet. This is great for boondocking (camping without connections) when it is a bit warm at night. Both of these are great additions to any camper.

Need a hand vac? Ryobi makes those, too. We have that plus we got a handheld air compressor to be able to top off tires. Yes, it has enough juice to inflate the tires on the camper and is great for making sure they are full before a long drive. All run on the same batteries and charger, which makes it quite convenient.

Grant airing the tires back up after handling most of the sand in Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Electrical Gear

Your camper relies on the electricity you put into it, so don&#;t skimp on the gear you use to connect your camper to the pedestal.

Dog bones for adapting to power at different amperage. The power management system that we use from Progressive Industries. Cable connection with in line surge protector Yet another trip to Walmart, this time for a power cable extension and longer water hose.

Power Cord

If your camper did not come with one, you will need one in the correct amperage, either 30 or 50 amps. We have a 30-amp camper, so I picked up a power extension cable. In both New Orleans and Indiana, we ran into several campgrounds where we needed a power cable extension. The pedestal was at the back and our power connection is close to the front of the camper. It&#;s just prudent to have an extra power cable.

Power Management

Like the hitch, power management is a source of serious debate among RVers. There are a few different brands, each with plusses and minuses. We ended up buying the Progressive Industries model and it has been great so far. Basically, the device works like a surge protector for your camper. It analyzes the power coming from the pedestal, looking for all sorts of electrical problems.

The best part for me is the lifetime warranty. Our model actually failed on us. It was working just fine, but caught a low voltage problem at a campground. Then, a few nights later, it just stopped letting electricity through the unit. It would analyze the power and not give any error codes but no juice was going to the camper.

We called Progressive and they FedEx&#;ed a new unit to us to our campground in Bar Harbor. Seriously, you can&#;t beat that kind of service! I have linked to their most up-to-date model.

Dog Bones

A dog bone is not something for your pet. It is a plug adapter for your camper. Let&#;s say you are out on the road, no reservation, just going to stop at an RV park along the way. You get there and they have a spot, but only a 50 amp connection for your 30 amp trailer. What do you do then? You pull out the dog bone and plug right in!

Since I have a 30 amp camper, I have two: I have a 50 amp to 30 amp and a 15 amp to 30 amp, covering the two different plug types out there. You will need to get the dog bones that work for your camper.

One thing to bear in mind: a dog bone is just a plug adapter. It will not magically make more power come out of a lesser connection. You will not be able to function normally on a 30 amp connection if you have a 50 amp RV. Typically, that means you will not be able to run A/C, which is often the biggest power draw.

Coax Cable and Surge Protector

If your camper has a cable connection, you might as well have some coax cable to take advantage of the cable at your campsite. I suggest a 25-foot length and a one-foot cable for using an in-line surge protector.

You protected your main electrical system from getting zapped, but make sure you protect your TV, too. Connect this to the shorter coax cable on the exterior of your camper and then to the connection to the park.

No products found.

Water Connection Gear

Our water connection consists of a brass pressure regulator, a water filter and a collapsable water hose, which we love. Indiana&#;s Lincoln State Park had some really awkward and lengthy water connections. It took a 50-foot hose to make this connection. By using this simple splitter, you can easily partially fill your black tank before using it or flush before your disconnect freshwater while cleaning.

Just like electricity, water is essential to the good operation of your camper&#; Keep it fresh and clean. So, let&#;s talk about your water connection. Your water connection is an essential part of outfitting a new RV.

Drinking Water Hose

First things first, you will need a water hose. But not just any water hose. You need a food-grade water hose. These are typically white or blue, not the green garden hose. Originally, we had a standard white rubber hose for our water connection, but the collapsible hose I use for flushing the sewer hose is so convenient, that I looked for a similar hose for drinking water. Once I found one, I was hooked!

This is seriously one of the best upgrades I have gotten for the camper after our first major trip. This is so much easier to use than the hose above. Yes, it costs more but is well worth it in terms of the lack of hassle and the smaller space it takes up. GET THIS HOSE!

Be sure you get the 50-foot model. We ended up having to run to Walmart on our Great Lakes trip because we needed a longer hose. After three summers of camping, we thought we were good. We were wrong. We had to buy a longer rubber hose. We still have it, just in case, but we bought the 50-foot Apex hose and it is so much easier to deal with.


Teknor Apex--50 Zero-G 1/2&#; x 50&#;, Blue

Lead-free, complies with consumer product safety improvement act of for lead content; Manufactured with f.D.A. Sanctioned materials

Pro Tip: Do not use this hose for anything other than drinking water. You do not want to contaminate your drinking water!

Water Pressure Regulator

A water pressure regular is a must. You don&#;t know what the water pressure is at the campground you are going to. It could be 120 psi. Your camper, on the other hand, only needs 40-50 psi. Using too much pressure will cause your pipes to leak!

Pro tip: connect this to the campground&#;s water supply, then connect the filter, then connect the hose, which will connect to your camper. Here&#;s why: the pressure will build up at the regulator but will be reduced on the other side. You don&#;t want your components (hose and filter) dealing with additional pressure. That will lead to hose failure a lot faster. See the picture above.

Water Filter

There are several different systems you can use for a water filter. Some campers have filters built into their system. This is a good, easy-to-use filter and it removes foul tastes from your water. One thing I like about this filter is you can easily find it at Walmart if you need to replace it on the road.

Water Splitter

I recently added a simple connection splitter to my gear. What this allows me to do is connect to the black water tank flush valve when I am setting up the camper. I use this to add water to the bottom of the black water tank to prevent the build-up of solid matter. It&#;s simple and effective, letting me accomplish two things at the same time. I got mine at Walmart while on the road but here is a nice brass one on Amazon.

Sewer Gear

Sewer Hose Connection Blasting out the black water tank. This attaches to a sewer hose for easy flushing.

Just like your water connections, a good sewer connection is essential for outfitting your new RV. Unless you just don&#;t want to use water at all, you will need to be able to safely and sanitarily drain your gray and black water tanks.

Every camper is different and some have funky sewer connections but this gear works for me and is the most common stuff I have seen out there up to this point.

Sewer Hose Kit

The first thing you want to buy is a sewer hose kit. This kit has just about everything you need to get started. Get the 20-foot kit. It comes with a 10&#; connecting hose and a 10&#; extension hose. Most of the time, that is all you will need in terms of connecting to a sewer hook-up. I have linked to their new, improved model which has a clear elbow connection.

ARCSEC DRIVE are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.

Typically, the sewer hose connection is a few inches above the ground and you want a smooth flow into it. This sidewinder &#;stand&#; will allow the hose to run smoothly over uneven ground to the sewer connection and drain easily. I recommend getting a 20-foot support.

Pro tip: Sometimes your Lynx Levelers will come in real handy when doing a sewer connection, like when we stayed at Fishing Bridge RV Campground in Yellowstone National Park. Sometimes, you have to improvise, adapt and overcome!

Sewer Tank Rinser

So, after staying at several campgrounds without other bathrooms to deposit solid matter in, I noticed some build-up in my black water tank. We solved part of this problem by partially filling our tank. But that didn&#;t solve the problem of the existing build-up. So, I picked up this attachment and blasted out my black water tank from the drain and it worked exceptionally well. I was able to flush out a lot of solid matter easily and it was easy to tell when the tank was clean.

Sewer Rinse Adapter and Secondary Hose

I can&#;t begin to tell you how much I love this adapter, which connects to our sewer hose, and makes it easy to wash the hose out after draining the tanks. Most of the time, it is attached to my secondary hose (see below).

So, you drained your black tank and your gray tank and now you are ready to rinse that sewer hose out because who wants to travel with funk in your hose? Just attach this to a generic hose, turn on the water, uncouple your sewer hose from the camper and couple it to this adapter. Turn on the valve on the adapter and voila! No mess. No fuss.

You can get a cheap rubber garden hose to use when you clean the sewer hose, flush the tank or spray down the camper, but this is so much better and takes up a lot less room.

Winterization Gear

This air compressor, along with a couple of adapters, made winterizing our camper a snap.

While you, likely, won&#;t need it right away, you will need some equipment to winterize your camper. You will want to either drain all of the water lines and holding tanks OR fill them with RV antifreeze. There are a couple of different methods to accomplish this task. We use an air compressor to blow out all of the water lines and then drain our tanks. We put a little antifreeze in each tank and in all of the sinks.

Read up on how we winterize our camper.

Air Compressor

I got a small, pancake-style air compressor that would store easily in the camper. The idea is, using an adapter, you blow all of the liquid out of the lines. This worked like a charm. While it is loud, this is not something you should need to use all the time. Unfortunately, the Craftsman air compressor I have linked is a lot more expensive than the one I bought (sadly, Amazon no longer sells it). But, this one has all the accessories you need for winterizing your camper in one package.

If you have an air compressor already, Camco makes a great adapter to blow out the lines with.

Miscellaneous Gear for Outfitting a New RV

Rubber gloves come in handy a lot more than you would think. Shop towels I like these storage bins because the lid stays attached. A basic tool kit I keep in the truck at all times

This is the gear I keep in my pass-through storage that just makes RV life easier. This section of &#;Outfitting a New RV&#; includes essentials that make your quality of life better.

Rubber gloves

I keep a box of disposable gloves in the pass-through for two reasons: dealing with the sewer system and dealing with the ball lube. Once I am done with both, take them off and throw them away. These are easy to acquire at Walmart or Home Depot if you run out on the road.

I tried the Camco ones which stick onto the door of the pass-through. I was not impressed with their durability in dealing with some of the more difficult jobs around the camper. Plus, they were just slippery in terms of grip.

Shop Towel

I keep a box of these towels in the pass-through and they are great. The box itself is a little big, but we love being able to pull a couple out as needed. These are great for cleaning up after dealing with the sewer connection, the hitch or cleaning out the grill.


All States Ag Parts Parts A.S.A.P. Scott Blue Shop Towels in a Box &#; 200 Sheets

Model number ; Blue 10&#; x 12&#; shop towels in pop-up dispenser box; These shop towels are ultra-strong, durable and work well even when wet

Storage Bins

I have not used these bins in particular, but I have several just like them. They are perfect for storing stuff like our tools, leveling gear, etc. I love the built-in lids! It means you never misplace a lid or leave it behind!

I keep bins for leveling gear, electrical stuff, drinking water hoses and sewage stuff. Note: I keep a lot of this stuff separate from each other. That is especially important when it comes to your drinking water stuff and the sewage stuff. Don&#;t mix hoses or store them together!

Every pass-through is different. Measure yours and get the bins that fit your compartments.

Basic Tool Kit

Every RV needs a basic tool kit. Like the bins, I don&#;t own the linked kit, but it is a pretty close approximation of what I do own. You don&#;t need to keep a ton of tools in your camper but something like this will help you solve most problems you run into. The only tools I feel are missing from the kit are a pair of vice grips and a large adjustable pair of pliers. Vice grips are surprisingly handy and I have had to use them to separate my pressure regulator from one that the campground put on the spigot. The large adjustable pliers are perfect for removing a stuck sewer cap.

IRWIN VISE-GRIP Fast Release Curved Jaw Locking Pliers, 10&#;, 11T

One-handed, triggerless release is 2X easier to open than traditional locking pliers; Anti-pinch, non-slip ProTouch Grips provide comfort, control, and less hand fatigue

Gear for Relaxing Outside

Grant grilling dinner, including chicken breasts, green beans and red potatoes. Grill tools Grant taking a nap in the hammock we got from Cairn. Relaxing at the camper on our first night of this trip. Bonnie reading a book on her iPad mini at the camper. Camp table with checker board

Once you have your camper set up, it is time to set up the fun stuff. Here are a few recommendations for things to have with you to make the best use of the space outside your camper!

Grill and Grill Tools

My camper has one built-in, but there are plenty of good grills out there for campers. Back when we were tent camping, we had a great tabletop grill, made by Coleman similar to this one. They make some other really good portable grills that use the very easy-to-find 16.4 oz propane bottles.

The grill tools I have are suited for a grill without a nonstick coating (the one above has one&#; use plastic tools on it). This grill tool set is very similar to the one I have that lives in my camper.

Cuisinart CGS-W18 Wooden Handle Grill Set, Quick Cut Pizza Cutter, 18 Piece

SET INCLUDES: Spatula, tongs, grill brush, 5 skewers, 8 corn holders, and a storage case; STAINLESS STEEL: Each tool features stainless steel tool heads

Chairs, Outdoor Tables and Hammocks

You are gonna want some camp chairs so you can enjoy the outdoors (otherwise, why are you in a camper to begin with?). If you have a large motor home or fifth-wheel, there are some amazing folding chairs that will fit in your storage areas with no problems. For us, in our travel trailer, we need chairs that fold down smaller but still provide serious comfort.

We had these chairs from Picnic Time for years and love them. They are very comfortable and, combined with these footrests are just about perfect.

Zero Gravity Chairs

A few years ago, we upgraded to Caravan Sports Infinity Zero Gravity Chairs. These things are great! They are super comfy, the backs are mesh so they breathe really well. They recline far further than I need and you can easily lock them in position. Plus they are cheap!

They do have a couple of downsides: It can be a bit difficult to get them started reclining and they do not fold down nearly as small as our old chairs. Indeed, I have some difficulty storing them in the pass-through with the grill in there as well. Still, for the money, they are great!

If you decide to get them, get a couple of these little side tables. They work like a champ!


Having a table to set things on is always nice. This table from ALPS Mountaineering has been a great addition to our campsite since we tent-camped. I got the model with the checkerboard on it, in case Bonnie and I ever decide to play checkers or chess on it.


One of the recent additions to our gear is a couple of hammocks for relaxing at a campground. We like nylon hammocks because they pack down to almost nothing. We got this hammock in a Cairn Box and it has since been a constant companion with us at campsites. It sets up easily in just a few minutes.

Boondocking Gear

Using our solar generator to power a fan to keep us cool in a serious heatwave.

Solar Generator

The folks from EcoFlow sent us one of their River solar generators to test out and I have to say we love it. A solar generator is essentially a large battery pack with a solar charge regulator built in. It is great for boondocking and dry camping. We were able to keep all of our devices charged (phones, tablets, laptops and cameras) and Bonnie was able to have a hot cup of coffee every morning while we dry camped outside Crater Lake National Park.

We were so impressed with the device, we bought an EcoFlow 110W solar panel to charge it. As long as you have a clear shot at the sun, it charges the generator quickly. This system is great any time you are without power, camping or not. We also bought a battery add-on, which doubles the capacity of this excellent piece of gear, making it comparable to the EcoFlow River Pro.

EcoFlow continues to add new solar products, including some generators that will power an RV or a house!

Rechargeable Lantern

If you are boondocking, having a good source of light that is not draining power from your RV&#;s batteries is pretty essential.

We recently got a rechargeable lantern similar to this one which has both a USB port and solar panels to charge it. This lantern is bright enough for most indoor tasks and makes for an excellent basic outdoor lamp.

A Few Other Pieces of Gear for Outfitting the Outside of Your RV

A few other items I suggest, but I don&#;t have a specific gear recommendation for:

&#; A large outdoor mat or rug to set up under your awning for muddy and gravel sites.

&#; Some sort of mosquito repellant&#; I have yet to find one I am really happy with.

Outfitting the Inside of Your New RV

Now, it&#;s time to work on the inside of the camper. A lot of this gear is personal preference, just like furnishing a home. That said, I am going to cover the basics of what we have purchased for our camper to make long road trips with it work.


The fridge is one of the most important components of making RV travel work. Not only does it keep your leftovers for the next night, it keeps those tasty adult beverages frosty, which is very important after a stressful setup in a tough back-in site.

A good fridge thermometer allows you to make sure the food is still good. These things work like a charm. We can&#;t recommend these enough! The bottle opener is great.

Fridge Thermometer

A fridge thermometer takes the guesswork out of whether your fridge is working properly or not. We originally bought an electronic one with a large display but ended up with an old-school thermometer. Sometimes, old-school stuff just works better.

CDN FG80 Refrigerator/Freezer NSF Professional Thermometer

Thermometer tests freezer and refrigerator for safe food storage; Measures temperatures from -40 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 to 27 degrees Celsius)

Fridge Cold Packs

One of the best purchases we made was two sets of Cooler Shock packs. These packs go in your freezer for 48 hours to charge and will provide very cold ice packs for your fridge.

Here&#;s how we use them: We freeze them going into a trip. We toss all but one pack in the fridge to keep everything cold as we drive. The other pack goes in the freezer to cool it down. Once we get to our location, we fire up the fridge and move some of the packs into the freezer to refreeze. As the fridge starts to keep cold on its own, we transfer the remaining packs to the freezer to recharge.

The Cooler Shock packs work so well that we do not use propane at all to run the fridge while driving. I know a lot of RVers out there run the propane fridge while driving/towing. We don&#;t. I would rather spend a little money on these freezer packs, which work great than risk a propane fire&#; or spend the money on propane for that matter.

Magnetic Bottle Opener

You are gonna want to get a bottle opener for those aforementioned refreshing adult beverages. We ended up getting one from a souvenir shop in Bar Harbor, but this one is what we have at home and it works like a champ!

Ice Cube Tray

When we first hit the road with the camper, we didn&#;t get any ice cube trays for the fridge. We didn&#;t want to deal with the mess of water everywhere if the fridge stopped working (power loss, etc.) So, we tried both plastic and metal &#;ice cubes.&#; We even tried whiskey stones. None of them worked as well as we wanted.

So, for the summer of , Bonnie got this nifty ice cube tray and storage system. It allows you to store a decent amount of ice and if it melts, the box contains it. It worked like a charm.

Bonnie also got some molds for large blocks of ice, perfect for whiskey on the rocks. The molds have a lid, making it good for travel as well.

Outfitting Your Kitchen

One of the first things you are going to want to do is outfit your kitchen with a permanent set of gear. The reason for this is simple: your time is worth more than the cost of an extra set of pots, pans, kitchen tools, etc. You don&#;t want to have to pack and unpack your kitchen every time you take the camper out on a trip.

The dinner plates from Zak Designs really complete a meal. This waste basket is great because it easily hangs on a door and keeps the floor of the RV clear. Collapsible dish drying rack We love how little space these nesting bowls and measuring cups take up. Cutting board A set of knives with covers will keep you from cutting your hand when reaching into a drawer. Non slip shelf liner Storage bins for under the counter storage This paper towel holder fits on top of a cabinet door and is perfect for keeping your counter space clear. RV safe cleaner The FireAde is a good personal addition to any RV.


The great folks from Zak Designs sent us some camper-themed plates and bowls, plus tumblers. We have used them a few times and are really impressed. We love how sturdy the plates are plus how easy to clean. The only downside is they are not microwave-safe. And, sadly, they no longer carry the camping-themed plates.

That said, we have other things we can put in the microwave and these are just too cool not to take with us. In addition to something that is microwave-safe, be sure to get something that is shatter-resistant, such as these plates by Corelle.

Waste Basket

This waste basket hangs over the edge of one of the cabinet doors, which keeps it off the floor (floor space is valuable). The other advantage is supermarket plastic shopping bags fit it perfectly. We found in New England there were several campgrounds with mandatory recycling programs, so you may want to consider purchasing a second wastebasket to use for recycling.

Paper Towel Holder

Like the wastebasket, this holder hangs on the top of the cabinet door and holds a roll of paper towels, freeing up counter space for cooking. Very handy, indeed!

Dish-Drying Rack/Drainer

I think the one thing Bonnie hates more than doing laundry is drying dishes, so she bought a dish-drying rack/drainer. It collapses for easy storage and works fairly well.

Nesting Mixing Bowls, Measuring Cups and Spoons

Bonnie loves these nesting mixing bowls and measuring cups because they take up so little room. They are perfect for the limited amount of space in our kitchen area.

Small Cutting Board and Knife Set

Our current cutting board is a bit small, so we will probably eventually upgrade to this one. Get a cutting board that you like, in whatever size you think you will need and can store easily.

This knife set is similar to a set that we have had for several years. Our camper doesn&#;t really have space for a knife block and I hate having knives in a drawer unless they are covered. There are bigger and there may be better sets out there, but a set of three has worked well for us so far.

Shelf Liner

To keep things from sliding around, line the shelves with your plates, etc. with this liner.

Kitchen Bins

Bonnie uses bins like these in various sizes, both plastic and cloth to hold spices and dry foods, as well as other kitchen essentials, in the cabinets. It keeps them from sliding all over the place and makes the food easy to get out.

Cleaning Supplies

Make sure whatever you get is RV-safe. The materials used in RV construction are not the same as in normal house construction. We use Method cleaners and they work pretty well.

Fire Extinguisher

Every camper comes with a fire extinguisher but, to be honest, you probably need at least one more to store by the bed. Having an extra fire extinguisher where you sleep can make all the difference in getting out of a burning RV or not.

Jim Rudolph, the president of Safety First, sent us this FireAde extinguisher and we are quite impressed with its bonafides. It puts out fires quickly, washes clean with just water and will not expire. This has a permanent home in our camper by the bed. As someone who has already lived through one house fire, I am a firm believer that you can never be too careful.

Some Other Items You Will Need to Outfit Your RV Kitchen

&#;Basic kitchen utensil set

&#;Flatware and drawer organizer

&#;Pots and pans

Outfitting Your RV Bathroom

There are a couple of things you need to understand about RV bathrooms: 1) By nature, they are almost always cramped and 2) you need special stuff to make the toilet/black water tank work well.

RV toilet paper Toilet paper roll holder Black water tank deodorizer

RV Toilet Paper

I would not use normal toilet paper in your camper. It will not break down and will become a problem in your black water tank. This is the toilet paper we use. You can often find this at Walmart (most of the time near the automotive section but sometimes near the camping section), so if you run out on the road, you should be able to find it. Also, a lot of campgrounds carry it in their camp stores, but sometimes those camp stores are pretty pricey.

Toilet Deodorizer

Use these tabs, along with a lot of water, to prevent odor from coming up from your black water tank.

Toilet Paper Roll Holder

Our camper did not have a toilet paper roll holder by the toilet, so we bought this one and it works just fine.

Toothbrush holder Bonnie has to have her tissues and this certainly saves counter space. We really like our new towels. They dry very quickly.

Toothbrush Holder

Another easy way to save on counter space is a toothbrush holder. This one works well for us, though you may have to replace the adhesive after a while.

Tissue Holder

My wife uses tissues like there is no tomorrow and this tissue box holder saves on serious counter space in the bathroom. Even she initially thought this was a somewhat frivolous purchase but has come to really appreciate this little space-saving device.


We started out using cotton towels from Ikea, which have hanging loops and dry ok, but if it is a driving day or a rainy day outside and they are cooped up in the bathroom all day, they can get a bit musty.

So, we got microfiber towels like these and they are great. They dry quicker without having to be hung outside. The towels are not quite as comfy as cotton towels but they do a great job nonetheless. They are a bit long, so we had to put additional hooks on the door for them.


I suggest keeping a second set of toiletries in the camper, as practical. The less you have to pack, the more time you can spend enjoying your camper. That said, some items just won&#;t store well in extreme heat or cold, so use your best judgment here.


You will need bedding appropriate to your bed. Some RV beds are custom-sized, so make sure you know your bed size before you get anything.

Having a set of sheets, pillows and a comforter ready to go for your camper definitely cuts down on the prep time for each trip. Again, your time camping is worth more than the additional expense of bedding.

If you live in an area near Ikea, you can get quality sheets and bedding for a cheap price. Remember, you want your bed in your camper to be as comfortable as possible. Otherwise, what&#;s the point?

The mattress topper saved our backs for a couple of years. The new mattress is great, especially for the money!

Mattress and Mattress Pad

The mattress that came with our camper was awful. It was quite thin and offered no support whatsoever. So much so that we bought a mattress topper online before we finished our first weekend with it.

We found a great memory foam mattress topper on Amazon and it kept us going for two summers.

LUCID &#; LU20RQ45MT 2 Inch Ventilated Memory Foam Mattress Topper

2-inch premium memory foam mattress topper; Ventilated to increase air flow for a soothing sleep temperature

After two years, we bought a mattress on Amazon. It was a bit of a risk since we like to try a mattress out before we buy it, but the price and the reviews convinced us.

The new mattress is great (at least for me). I like it a LOT better than the Tempur-Pedic we had at home. It is firm, but not overly so. Bonnie would love if it were about 10% softer but, for the money, it can&#;t be beaten. Indeed, we ended up replacing our too-soft Tempur-Pedic mattress at home with another one of these mattresses.

Other Gear For Outfitting the Interior of Your Camper

Heater and Fan

A space heater will save you a lot of propane on cold mornings. While our camper has a fan built into the AC, it is rather noisy. This is a much quieter and more controllable alternative.

Propane is expensive. One of the first pieces of advice we received for our camper was to buy a small, electric space heater instead of using the furnace on cool nights. This one is relatively small and works like a charm.

While the AC system has a fan that can be set to always on and blowing air, it is pretty loud, so we bought a small fan to use at night or outside. It is quiet and the lowest setting makes for a nice cool breeze.

If you are going to be using the Ryobi One+ system, you might want to just get the Ryobi fan. You can operate it with a battery or an extension cord. If I were only going to get one fan, I would get the Ryobi model because of its flexibility. That said, this one is quieter and has more settings.

Power Strip

We got this new surge protector with six USB ports, 3 USB C ports, including enough power to charge an iPad, and 3 USB A ports.

If you are anything like Bonnie and I, you have a plethora of things that need recharging or power. I recently upgraded to this power strip as an electrical hub for the camper. Behind the TV mount in our camper is a decent-sized cabinet area with an outlet.

This power strip sits back there with chargers or cables for our iPads, iPhones, Apple Watches, drill battery and Fire Stick.

The reason I like this particular power strip for all of those applications is the six USB ports, including three USB C ports with up to 40 watts of power delivery.

Amazon Fire Stick

I used to take an Apple TV with me as well but now Fire Sticks have just about every app you can find on an Apple TV, including Apple TV+. There is just simply no reason to take an Apple TV now. The best part about a Fire Stick is you can sign into web-based WiFi login prompts at campgrounds.

Zip Ties and Velcro Straps

All of those electric cables, plus a dozen other things, will need tying down. Get some zip ties in various sizes and make your life less cluttered, cable-wise.

The other thing you will need (trust me on this!) is velcro straps. These get a ton of use in our camper.

Extra Fuses

Eventually, a fuse will blow on your camper and you will need to replace it. Check your electrical system to see if you need more or less of any particular fuse type, but this is a pretty good variety of fuses for your camper.

Command Hooks

Get a bunch of these. Trust me, you will want to hang things like your keys, towels, coats, hats, etc. in different parts of your camper.

One Last Essential for Outfitting Your New RV: Our Book

So, you have gotten everything you need for your camper and are ready to hit the road? But where are you going to go? We have you covered there too!

Our new book, Moon USA RV Adventures, has 25 routes across the country with everything you need for a great trip, including where to go, how to get there, where to stay, what to eat and what to do when you get there.

Seriously, we take all of the leg work out of planning an outstanding RV trip!

Final Thoughts on Outfitting a New RV

Like I said at the beginning: welcome to a great community! We hope you have found this list helpful and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line!

I know this article is focused primarily on travel trailers and that different types of campers have different needs. But we also know, for a lot of folks, a travel trailer is their first camper. It was for us back in . Since then, we have visited 48 of 50 states with our camper (we have been to the other two states, just not in our camper). So, when you read about this gear, this is the stuff we use on the road&#; Otherwise, we wouldn&#;t recommend it!

Monument Valley on the Utah/Arizona border

Pro Tip: Every camper is different and you are sure to find several things unique to your camper that you need on your first, second or even third time out. I suggest staying somewhat near a Wal-Mart for the first couple of trips while you work out all the kinks. Don&#;t worry! It gets better.

Again, we are so glad you have joined the RV community and we look forward to seeing you on the road!

We invite you to join our Facebook group, US RV Trip Planning + Itineraries. This group is for experienced, newbie and wannabe RVers to discuss RV itineraries, destinations, camping tips and more.

For more rv reducerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

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