Best Medieval Shields in Warfare

Author: Daisy

Jun. 10, 2024




Best Medieval Shields in Warfare

Best Medieval Shields in Warfare

If you are looking for the best shields from the Middle Ages that would have protected you in battle, then look no further!

We&#;ve rounded up the most incredible Medieval Shields that will ensure you stay safe during any conflict.

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From the Kite Shield to the Heater Shield, these Middle Ages Best Battle Shields provided an unrivaled level of protection on the battlefield.

Collection of different medieval shield designs

So read on and find out more about these amazing medieval shields that have been used for centuries!

Kite Shield

A staple of the Middle Ages, the Kite Shield was a popular choice for soldiers due to its size and shape. This shield was much larger than the Heater Shield and was often used to cover the soldier from neck to ankle.

Norman Knight Holding a Kite Shield

It formed a classic kite shape and was typically made from wood or metal, with a rounded top edge rather than being pointed like a kite.

The Kite Shield is featured on the Bayeux Tapestry and was also known as the tapering shield, It is distinguishable from other shields like The Buckler Shield, The Mantlet Shield, The Rondache Shield and The Targe shield by its large size and kite shape.

Bayeux Tapestry Scene 51 Norman Knights and Archers

Though it wasn&#;t as effective as the Pavise shield, the Kite Shield offered adequate protection in battle and served as a symbol of strength and courage.

Heater Shield

The Heater shield was a type of shield used widely by knights in the Middle Ages. It was a medium-sized shield, made of either wood or metal, and was slightly shorter than the Kite Shield.

Medieval Knight Holding a Heater Shield

This shorter size made it perfect for use by cavalry, who were able to maneuver around more easily than with the Heater shield.

The Heater shield was usually decorated with the coats of arms or heraldry of the holder, so that they could be easily identified in battle.

Additionally, this type of shield was often used in conjunction with other shields such as The

Buckler Shield
Pavise shield
Rondache Shield
Targe shield

Together, these shields provided great protection and gave the knight a better chance of survival.

Rondance shield &#;Roundel Shield&#;

The Rondache Shield, also known as the Roundel Shield, was one of the most popular medium-sized shields used in the Middle Ages. It was a circular shield that was constructed from wood and metal, with some shields featuring embossed leather, silver and gold, rope patterns or even nails.

This type of shield was widely used throughout Europe during the 16th century, and was especially favored by cavalry due to its portability and strong defensive capabilities.

The Rondache Shield was used for both defensive and offensive purposes; when in battle, this type of shield was typically held close to the body to deflect blows from enemies. This shield also worked great for parrying attacks from larger weapons such as spears and swords.

In addition, it provided additional protection against arrows, making it a great choice for soldiers looking to defend themselves on the battlefield.

When not in battle, the Rondache Shield could be seen in a variety of different settings. For example, it was often used in tournaments to test the skills of knights, while providing them with extra protection.

The Roundel Shield also made an appearance in ceremonies and processions, with some shields featuring intricate designs that signified a person&#;s rank or station in society.

Overall, the Rondache Shield was one of the most popular shields used during the Middle Ages. Its small size and strong defensive capabilities made it ideal for both defensive and offensive tactics on the battlefield, while its decorative nature made it a popular choice for ceremonies and tournaments alike.

It&#;s no wonder that this type of shield remains a favorite among historical re-enactors today!

Pavise Shield

The Pavise shield was a large defensive shield, that provided superb protection to medieval archers, in was commonly used by medieval crossbowmen, it was large and rectangular and had similarities to the larger Manlet shield, these type of shields were often called collectively as wall shields.

Back and Front of a Pravise Shield

It was used from the 14th century, and was typically made of wood or metal. It could protect the holder&#;s entire body and was often accompanied by a Pavise-bearer, whose job was to hold the shield for the archers.

Like the Kite shield, Pavise shields could have heraldry on the front of them. The shield featured curved sides that allowed it to be leaned against walls and other structures when not in use, which gave rise to its name.

Large Pravise Shield used by Crossbowmen

It was heavier than other shields such as the Heater Shield, Buckler Shield, and the Targe Shield, but offered superior protection against attacks.

All of these shields were vital for protecting Medieval soldiers in battle, and helped to ensure their safety and success in battle.

Buckler Shield

The Buckler shield is a small, round shield made of iron or metal that was used during the Middle Ages. It was lightweight and hung from a soldier&#;s belt, making it an ideal choice for hand-to-hand combat.

Despite its size, the Buckler shield could still provide some protection in battle against other weapons such as swords, arrows, and spears.

The Buckler shield was also much lighter than other shields of the period such as the Kite Shield, the Heater Shield, the Pavise shield, the Rondache Shield, and the Targe shield.

Early Medieval Fighting Practice Using small Buckler Shields

All of these other shields were much bigger than the Buckler shield, soldiers could carry Buckler shields comfortably into battle without being weighed down.

Targe Shield

The targe shield is a round shield that is similar to the Buckler shield, but it is larger being described as a medium to large shield.

Targe Shield of Medieval Stuart Era

It was widely used by Scottish highlanders during the 15th century to protect themselves from attack and was often adorned with studded nails punched into the front in a decorative pattern.

This shield was typically smaller than other shields such as the Kite Shield, Heater Shield, Pavise Shield, Rondache Shield, Mantlet Shield and Bouche Shield, but still provided adequate protection for the wearer.

It is considered to be one of the best defensive shields of its time and is still highly regarded for its effectiveness even today.

Bouche Shield

The Bouche Shield was a type of shield commonly used during the Middle Ages, particularly for jousting tournaments. This shield is slightly different than others of its kind, as it has a ridge in the centre of its front plate which is designed to deflect weapons away from the knight.

The Bouche Shield had a unique designed that made it a perfect companion for a knights lance which could be rested into a groove at the top of a frontal plate.

The Bouche Shield a great option for those who wish to fight with a lance.

The Bouche Shield has similarities with other popular shields of the Middle Ages, such as The Buckler Shield, The Heater Shield, The Kite Shield, The Mantlet Shield, The Pavise shield, The Rondache Shield, and The Targe shield.

Each of these shields offers varying levels of protection and defence, making them ideal for different types of combat situations.

Mantlet Shield

The Mantlet Shield is a large and wooden shield, similar to the Pavise shield. The main purpose of this shield was to protect the holder from incoming arrows. Its design is unique in that it features an arrow slit in the front, allowing the holder to fire out and also blocking arrows coming in.

This makes it ideal for both offensive and defensive purposes, however, the Mantlet shields were vulnerable to attack from ground troops. To make up for this deficiency, the shield could be moved on wheels.

The Mantlet Shield was often reffered to as a wall shield, it was commonly used by medieval archers such as crossbowmen who would crouch behind it and it offered them perfect protection from incoming missiles when re-loading their crossbows, which was a slower process than for longbowmen who could fire of their arrows more rapidly.

Medieval Shield Facts

The shields used in Medieval times were not just pieces of metal to block arrows and swords. They were also works of art, that served as symbols of pride and identity. The variety of designs and shapes, from the Kite shield to the Heater Shield, show the complexity and the importance of shield craftsmanship in the Middle Ages.

Most shields featured a handle called an Enarmes, which was either gripped by hand or arm and attached to the back of the shield by rivets and washers.

The enarmes parts of a shield were the straps as highlighted in image

This allowed for maneuverability and accuracy during battle. Another interesting aspect of these shields is their materials. Most were made of wood and metal, while some featured intricate designs with colorful fabrics.

The Buckler Shield was a small round shield, usually made of metal and often decorated with emblems or family crests. It was light and easy to carry, but its size offered limited protection.

The Rondache Shield, or Roundel Shield, was similar to the buckler but larger and oval in shape. It was made from leather covered in metal plates and could withstand stronger blows from weapons.

The Targe Shield was large, circular or oval and often had decorative paintings or carvings. It was especially effective against arrows, due to its shape which deflected them away from the body.

The Bouche Shield was a pointed shield that offered good protection against swords and spears, due to its sharp point.

The Pavise shield was a large rectangular shield made from wood and sometimes covered in leather. It was often held upright with a stick on the ground so it could provide cover for archers and crossbowmen.

The Boss Central Shield Part of a Medieval Shield close up

The Mantlet shield was similar in size to the Pavise but was able to stand alone due to its curved shape.

Overall, Medieval shields provided much needed protection during battles and were essential tools in Medieval warfare. Their diversity in design reflects both a practical need for various types of shields, as well as the creativity of Medieval craftsmen.

Who made medieval shields?

The medieval shields used by knights and warriors during the Middle Ages were made by a wide variety of craftsmen and artisans.

Shields came in all shapes and sizes, from the small Buckler Shield to the large Kite Shield, the Heater Shield, the Rondache Shield or Roundel Shield, the Pavise Shield, the Targe Shield, the Bouche Shield and the Mantlet Shield.

Many shields were handcrafted by local blacksmiths, while others were imported from foreign countries. It is believed that shields were used as early as the 10th century BC, but it wasn&#;t until the 5th century AD that they began to be made more regularly.

During this period, craftsmen took great care in the production of shields and would often spend days or weeks creating one.

They would use a range of materials, including iron, leather, bronze, and wood, to make their shields strong and durable. Shields were also decorated with various symbols and motifs to signify their owner&#;s allegiance.

For example, The Buckler Shield was often decorated with a lion rampant or a griffon crest.
Medieval shields were truly works of art and played an important role in battle.

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Item of armour carried to intercept attacks or projectiles

Zulu chief Goza and two of his councillors in war-dress, all with Nguni shields, c.. The size of the shield on the chief's left arm denotes his status, and the white colour that he is a married man.[1]

A shield is a piece of personal armour held in the hand, which may or may not be strapped to the wrist or forearm. Shields are used to intercept specific attacks, whether from close-ranged weaponry or projectiles such as arrows, by means of active blocks, as well as to provide passive protection by closing one or more lines of engagement during combat.

Shields vary greatly in size and shape, ranging from large panels that protect the user's whole body to small models (such as the buckler) that were intended for hand-to-hand-combat use. Shields also vary a great deal in thickness; whereas some shields were made of relatively deep, absorbent, wooden planking to protect soldiers from the impact of spears and crossbow bolts, others were thinner and lighter and designed mainly for deflecting blade strikes (like the roromaraugi or qauata). Finally, shields vary greatly in shape, ranging in roundness to angularity, proportional length and width, symmetry and edge pattern; different shapes provide more optimal protection for infantry or cavalry, enhance portability, provide secondary uses such as ship protection or as a weapon and so on.

In prehistory and during the era of the earliest civilisations, shields were made of wood, animal hide, woven reeds or wicker. In classical antiquity, the Barbarian Invasions and the Middle Ages, they were normally constructed of poplar tree, lime or another split-resistant timber, covered in some instances with a material such as leather or rawhide and often reinforced with a metal boss, rim or banding. They were carried by foot soldiers, knights and cavalry.

Depending on time and place, shields could be round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular, bilabial or scalloped. Sometimes they took on the form of kites or flatirons, or had rounded tops on a rectangular base with perhaps an eye-hole, to look through when used with combat. The shield was held by a central grip or by straps with some going over or around the user's arm and one or more being held by the hand.

Often shields were decorated with a painted pattern or an animal representation to show their army or clan. These designs developed into systematized heraldic devices during the High Middle Ages for purposes of battlefield identification. Even after the introduction of gunpowder and firearms to the battlefield, shields continued to be used by certain groups. In the 18th century, for example, Scottish Highland fighters liked to wield small shields known as targes, and as late as the 19th century, some non-industrialized peoples (such as Zulu warriors) employed them when waging wars.

In the 20th and 21st century, shields have been used by military and police units that specialize in anti-terrorist actions, hostage rescue, riot control and siege-breaking.





Elaborate and sophisticated shields from the Philippines.

The oldest form of shield was a protection device designed to block attacks by hand weapons, such as swords, axes and maces, or ranged weapons like sling-stones and arrows. Shields have varied greatly in construction over time and place. Sometimes shields were made of metal, but wood or animal hide construction was much more common; wicker and even turtle shells have been used. Many surviving examples of metal shields are generally felt to be ceremonial rather than practical, for example the Yetholm-type shields of the Bronze Age, or the Iron Age Battersea shield.









Greek soldiers of Greco-Persian Wars. Left: Greek slinger. Right: hoplites. Middle: hoplite's shield has a curtain which serves as a protection from arrows.

Size and weight varied greatly. Lightly armored warriors relying on speed and surprise would generally carry light shields (pelte) that were either small or thin. Heavy troops might be equipped with robust shields that could cover most of the body. Many had a strap called a guige that allowed them to be slung over the user's back when not in use or on horseback. During the 14th&#;13th century BC, the Sards or Shardana, working as mercenaries for the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, utilized either large or small round shields against the Hittites. The Mycenaean Greeks used two types of shields: the "figure-of-eight" shield and a rectangular "tower" shield. These shields were made primarily from a wicker frame and then reinforced with leather. Covering the body from head to foot, the figure-of-eight and tower shield offered most of the warrior's body a good deal of protection in hand-to-hand combat. The Ancient Greek hoplites used a round, bowl-shaped wooden shield that was reinforced with bronze and called an aspis. The aspis was also the longest-lasting and most famous and influential of all of the ancient Greek shields.[citation needed] The Spartans used the aspis to create the Greek phalanx formation.[2] Their shields offered protection not only for themselves but for their comrades to their left.[3]

Two wooden round shields survived at Thorsberg moor (3rd century AD)

Examples of Germanic wooden shields circa 350 BC &#; 500 AD survive from weapons sacrifices in Danish bogs.

The heavily armored Roman legionaries carried large shields (scuta) that could provide far more protection, but made swift movement a little more difficult. The scutum originally had an oval shape, but gradually the curved tops and sides were cut to produce the familiar rectangular shape most commonly seen in the early Imperial legions. Famously, the Romans used their shields to create a tortoise-like formation called a testudo in which entire groups of soldiers would be enclosed in an armoured box to provide protection against missiles. Many ancient shield designs featured incuts of one sort or another. This was done to accommodate the shaft of a spear, thus facilitating tactics requiring the soldiers to stand close together forming a wall of shields.

Soldiers of the Khmer Empire use round shields. Located at the Bayon temple(12th/13th century). Shield bearer in the Croatian 18th century tournament Sinjska alka

Typical in the early European Middle Ages were round shields with light, non-splitting wood like linden, fir, alder, or poplar, usually reinforced with leather cover on one or both sides and occasionally metal rims, encircling a metal shield boss. These light shields suited a fighting style where each incoming blow is intercepted with the boss in order to deflect it. The Normans introduced the kite shield around the 10th century, which was rounded at the top and tapered at the bottom. This gave some protection to the user's legs, without adding too much to the total weight of the shield. The kite shield predominantly features enarmes, leather straps used to grip the shield tight to the arm. Used by foot and mounted troops alike, it gradually came to replace the round shield as the common choice until the end of the 12th century, when more efficient limb armour allowed the shields to grow shorter, and be entirely replaced by the 14th century.

As body armour improved, knight's shields became smaller, leading to the familiar heater shield style. Both kite and heater style shields were made of several layers of laminated wood,[4] with a gentle curve in cross section. The heater style inspired the shape of the symbolic heraldic shield that is still used today. Eventually, specialised shapes were developed such as the bouche, which had a lance rest cut into the upper corner of the lance side, to help guide it in combat or tournament. Free standing shields called pavises, which were propped up on stands, were used by medieval crossbowmen who needed protection while reloading.

In time, some armoured foot knights gave up shields entirely in favour of mobility and two-handed weapons. Other knights and common soldiers adopted the buckler, giving rise to the term "swashbuckler".[5] The buckler is a small round shield, typically between 8 and 16 inches (20&#;40 cm) in diameter. The buckler was one of very few types of shield that were usually made of metal. Small and light, the buckler was easily carried by being hung from a belt; it gave little protection from missiles and was reserved for hand-to-hand combat where it served both for protection and offence. The buckler's use began in the Middle Ages and continued well into the 16th century.

In Italy, the targa, parma, and rotella were used by common people, fencers and even knights. The development of plate armour made shields less and less common as it eliminated the need for a shield. Lightly armoured troops continued to use shields after men-at-arms and knights ceased to use them. Shields continued in use even after gunpowder powered weapons made them essentially obsolete on the battlefield. In the 18th century, the Scottish clans used a small, round targe that was partially effective against the firearms of the time, although it was arguably more often used against British infantry bayonets and cavalry swords in close-in fighting.

During the 19th century, non-industrial cultures with little access to guns were still using war shields. Zulu warriors carried large lightweight shields called Ishlangu made from a single ox hide supported by a wooden spine.[6] This was used in combination with a short spear (iklwa) and/or club. Other African shields include Glagwa from Cameroon or Nguba from Congo.





Law enforcement shields




Ballistic shield, NIJ Level IIIA

Shields for protection from armed attack are still used by many police forces around the world. These modern shields are usually intended for two broadly distinct purposes. The first type, riot shields, are used for riot control and can be made from metal or polymers such as polycarbonate Lexan or Makrolon or boPET Mylar. These typically offer protection from relatively large and low velocity projectiles, such as rocks and bottles, as well as blows from fists or clubs. Synthetic riot shields are normally transparent, allowing full use of the shield without obstructing vision. Similarly, metal riot shields often have a small window at eye level for this purpose. These riot shields are most commonly used to block and push back crowds when the users stand in a "wall" to block protesters, and to protect against shrapnel, projectiles like stones and bricks, molotov cocktails, and during hand-to-hand combat.

The second type of modern police shield is the bullet-resistant ballistic shield, also called tactical shield. These shields are typically manufactured from advanced synthetics such as Kevlar and are designed to be bulletproof, or at least bullet resistant. Two types of shields are available:

  1. Light level IIIA shields are designed to stop pistol cartridges.
  2. Heavy level III and IV shields are designed to stop rifle cartridges.

Tactical shields often have a firing port so that the officer holding the shield can fire a weapon while being protected by the shield, and they often have a bulletproof glass viewing port. They are typically employed by specialist police, such as SWAT teams in high risk entry and siege scenarios, such as hostage rescue and breaching gang compounds, as well as in antiterrorism operations.

Law enforcement shields often have a large signs stating "POLICE" (or the name of a force, such as "US MARSHALS") to indicate that the user is a law enforcement officer.[citation needed]




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