6 Tips for Selecting Commercial Restaurant Furniture

Author: Marina

Jun. 24, 2024




6 Tips for Selecting Commercial Restaurant Furniture

When you&#;re design­ing or refresh­ing a restau­rant space, there&#;s no ques­tion that fur­ni­ture is one of the foun­da­tion­al com­po­nents of a suc­cess­ful final prod­uct. And with a vir­tu­al­ly unlim­it­ed range of options acces­si­ble for pur­chase online and in-stores, it is now pos­si­ble to find an array of styl­ish pieces to suit any bud­get, aes­thet­ic, or need.

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How­ev­er, it is impor­tant to be aware that not all fur­ni­ture is cre­at­ed equal. In fact, there are a num­ber of fur­ni­ture designs that would be a beau­ti­ful addi­tion in a res­i­den­tial set­ting, but com­plete­ly unsuit­able for restau­rant use.

In this guide, we&#;re delving into the topic of commercial restaurant furniture, explaining:

  • What com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture is and how it dif­fers from stan­dard fur­ni­ture
  • The ben­e­fits of com­mer­cial-grade fur­ni­ture
  • How to find the best com­mer­cial hos­pi­tal­i­ty fur­ni­ture for your unique space
  • What to look for in a com­mer­cial restau­rant retailer/supplier

What is Commercial Restaurant Furniture?

Com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture (also referred to as com­mer­cial-grade fur­ni­ture) is specif­i­cal­ly designed and built to with­stand the demands of heavy use, includ­ing the var­i­ous fac­tors asso­ci­at­ed with the wear and tear of every­day restau­rant oper­a­tions. Fur­ni­ture for com­mer­cial use is gen­er­al­ly inten­tion­al­ly made to a stan­dard that will help pro­vide the best-pos­si­ble val­ue and longevi­ty. 

That being said, with­in the broad cat­e­go­ry of com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture, there is an exten­sive amount of vari­a­tion in aes­thet­ic design, mate­ri­als, crafts­man­ship, and pric­ing. There are also man­u­fac­tur­ers that offer cus­tom restau­rant fur­ni­ture designs, fea­tur­ing options that include var­i­ous col­ors, fin­ish­es, uphol­stery styles, sizes, and more. So, design­ers and busi­ness own­ers can have excel­lent flex­i­bil­i­ty in select­ing the options that align with their project require­ments.

What makes commercial restaurant furniture different from other furniture?

Even though opt­ing for stan­dard (res­i­den­tial) fur­ni­ture might seem like an attrac­tive and less-expen­sive alter­na­tive for a restau­rant space, there are crit­i­cal dif­fer­ences that would make this deci­sion a cost­ly mis­take.

When you compare commercial vs. standard furniture, they differ in several crucial ways, including:

  • From its join­ery to its over­all design, stan­dard fur­ni­ture can­not com­pare to the inten­tion­al­ly-engi­neered endurance of com­mer­cial prod­ucts. As a result, scratch­es, dings, loose joints, worn uphol­stery, and oth­er issues can quick­ly accu­mu­late.
  • The mate­ri­als and fin­ish­es used for res­i­den­tial fur­ni­ture can be eas­i­ly dam­aged by the com­mer­cial-grade dis­in­fec­tants and clean­ers required for prop­er health and safe­ty pro­ce­dures.
  • Unlike com­mer­cial restau­rant chairs, tables, and oth­er pieces, res­i­den­tial fur­ni­ture is unlike­ly to have under­gone the rig­or­ous test­ing need­ed to ensure safe­ty and dura­bil­i­ty at a stan­dard accept­able for use by the pub­lic.

Stan­dard fur­ni­ture may come with a low­er ini­tial cost, but it is inevitable that you will find your­self replac­ing it far more quick­ly than you would com­mer­cial-grade designs. So, not only will you end up spend­ing more in the long run, but you will also be deal­ing with the has­sle of bro­ken or dam­aged pieces &#; which can neg­a­tive­ly impact the effi­cien­cy, safe­ty, and rep­u­ta­tion of your restau­rant.

What are the Benefits of Purchasing Commercial Restaurant Furniture?

With a clear under­stand­ing of the dif­fer­ences between com­mer­cial and stan­dard fur­ni­ture, it is much eas­i­er to see the ben­e­fits com­mer­cial-grade fur­ni­ture has to offer.

  • Com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture is designed to pro­vide a high­er stan­dard of dura­bil­i­ty, reduc­ing replace­ment costs and the need for repairs.
  • Com­mer­cial-qual­i­ty restau­rant tables, chairs, and oth­er pieces are able to bet­ter main­tain a pro­fes­sion­al appear­ance, because their supe­ri­or con­struc­tion and mate­ri­als are bet­ter suit­ed to resist­ing scratch­es, dents, chips, and oth­er dam­age.
  • In many cas­es, the wear-resis­tant, non-cor­ro­sive, and/or UV-resis­tant sur­faces used for com­mer­cial-lev­el fur­ni­ture min­i­mizes required main­te­nance in both the short- and long-term.
  • Fur­ni­ture made for restau­rant use often comes in sizes and styles that can accom­mo­date the needs of a hos­pi­tal­i­ty space, includ­ing chal­lenges such as unusu­al­ly-shaped floor plans, lim­it­ed square footage, and the like.
  • Com­mer­cial restau­rant fur­ni­ture meets com­pli­ance require­ments and stan­dards for safe­ty, adher­ing to impor­tant indus­try reg­u­la­tions.
  • Hav­ing the option to cus­tomize restau­rant fur­ni­ture allows the buy­er to tai­lor both the form and func­tion of dif­fer­ent pieces, so it is not nec­es­sary to set­tle for some­thing that is only &#;good enough.&#;

How to Choose Commercial Restaurant Furniture

Because each restau­rant &#; and its intend­ed cus­tomer niche, desired expe­ri­ence, and brand­ing &#; is unique, select­ing com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture is a process that is large­ly shaped by your spe­cif­ic needs and goals.

This makes it very impor­tant that you begin by estab­lish­ing a clear­ly defined con­cept of what you want, as well as what you don&#;t. With a detailed under­stand­ing of your &#;big pic­ture&#; vision, you will be far bet­ter pre­pared to make con­fi­dent and informed deci­sions.

Decide which type of commercial restaurant furniture is right for you.

As you browse your options for restau­rant fur­ni­ture, there are sev­er­al fac­tors to keep in mind, such as:

Available space:
  • Con­sid­er the phys­i­cal foot­print of the restau­rant, and how that may dic­tate require­ments for restau­rant fur­ni­ture. Ask your­self key ques­tions such as:
    • How much square footage do you have to work with? 
    • Are there any spe­cif­ic areas that present design chal­lenges (e.g. an awk­ward­ly-shaped por­tion of the din­ing room, a very nar­row bar area, etc.)?
    • What is the lay­out planned for the space?
Customer demographics:
  • What are the wants and needs of the guests that will be vis­it­ing your restau­rant? And how can you ensure that the fur­ni­ture sup­ports their desired expe­ri­ence, rather than detracts from it?
    • Will your guests be pri­mar­i­ly made up of fam­i­lies with chil­dren?
    • Do you expect large parties/special events to be a reg­u­lar occur­rence?
    • Are guests expect­ing an inti­mate set­ting or a more social one?
    • Are your guests there for a lux­u­ri­ous, five-star din­ing expe­ri­ence or some­thing that is quick and casu­al?
  • Think about the &#;vibe&#; you want to achieve in your restau­rant, and the ways in which fur­ni­ture plays a part in the look and feel of the space. It can be help­ful to come up with three to four adjec­tives to describe the per­son­al­i­ty, or brand, of the restau­rant, then use those as guid­ance in the shop­ping process. For exam­ple, you might be aim­ing to cre­ate a space that is chic and upscale, or one that is con­ve­nient and wel­com­ing.
  • Of course, your bud­get will be one of the major fac­tors to set para­me­ters for your fur­ni­ture search. The good news is that, with the right man­u­fac­tur­er, you can find well-made pieces at a rel­a­tive­ly afford­able price. Also, be aware that cus­tom com­mer­cial restau­rant fur­ni­ture is often less expen­sive than expect­ed, and can be a smart way to max­i­mize the longevi­ty of your invest­ment.

Choosing a Quality Commercial Restaurant Furniture Store

The man­u­fac­tur­er of your fur­ni­ture should be con­sid­ered just as care­ful­ly as the pieces them­selves. Build­ing a part­ner­ship with a retail­er with integri­ty will make a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence in both the design process and the final out­come of your project, so the impor­tance of choos­ing wise­ly can­not be under­es­ti­mat­ed. 

Research commercial restaurant furniture retailers before making a purchase.

Before you com­mit to sub­mit­ting an order, make it a pri­or­i­ty to learn as much as pos­si­ble about the retail­er and/or man­u­fac­tur­er them­selves. Pur­chas­ing fur­ni­ture is a large invest­ment for any restau­rant own­er or design­er, and select­ing the right provider is essen­tial. 

Here are a few guide­lines to help you nar­row down your options to the best com­mer­cial restau­rant man­u­fac­tur­ers in the busi­ness:

Browse the portfolio of each manufacturer/retailer to see their products in real-world settings.

This can be a won­der­ful way to not only gauge the ver­sa­til­i­ty of their design options, but also to find inspi­ra­tion for your own project. For exam­ple, we take pride in shar­ing a diverse port­fo­lio with prospec­tive clients, mak­ing it easy for them to see a fas­ci­nat­ing mix of pieces that rep­re­sent our unmatched stan­dard of qual­i­ty crafts­man­ship.

Look into product warranties, as well as specific rules for shipping and returns.

That way, you can avoid any unpleas­ant sur­pris­es and know that you are choos­ing a provider that is ful­ly com­mit­ted to cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion at every stage. Clients of Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co. can have the peace of mind of a war­ran­ty that cov­ers both mate­ri­als and work­man­ship, because we are ful­ly con­fi­dent that our prod­ucts will not dis­ap­point.

Connect with the customer service and/or sales team to get answers to any questions you may have.

A tru­ly cred­itable cus­tom fur­ni­ture sell­er will be eas­i­ly avail­able for ques­tions and con­cerns, facil­i­tat­ing first-rate cus­tomer rela­tions through open and respon­sive com­mu­ni­ca­tion. You should be able to receive sup­port both dur­ing the design and order­ing process, as well as after instal­la­tion &#; a promise that we make to every one of our clients.

Look for a company that has a proven track record of excellence.

There&#;s no short­age of online stores for restau­rant fur­ni­ture, and new brands are emerg­ing every day. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is not unusu­al for trendy fur­ni­ture retail­ers to sell pieces of sub­par qual­i­ty, sim­ply rela­bel­ing mass-mar­ket prod­ucts at a marked-up price. There are also those that out­source man­u­fac­tur­ing, mak­ing lit­tle to no effort to enforce strict qual­i­ty con­trol. But when you choose a well-estab­lished com­pa­ny with a long his­to­ry of supe­ri­or ser­vice, you can elim­i­nate these con­cerns. Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co. has been a leader in the com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture indus­try for near­ly half a cen­tu­ry, amass­ing unpar­al­leled expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge that ben­e­fits our clients in the long run.

Tips for Successful Commercial Restaurant Furniture Shopping

Now that you have a wealth of infor­ma­tion to begin shop­ping for com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture, here are our top six tips for an easy and suc­cess­ful buy­ing expe­ri­ence.

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1) Familiarize yourself with the different types of restaurant furniture.

There are so many dif­fer­ent types of fur­ni­ture for restau­rants, and know­ing all of your options makes it much eas­i­er to get every­thing you want and need. And if you can find a man­u­fac­tur­er that checks all the box­es, you&#;ll end up sav­ing your­self time and effort.

As you&#;re plan­ning for the shop­ping process, deter­mine which fur­ni­ture types you may need, such as:

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Bar stools
  • Child seat­ing (high chairs and boost­er seats)
  • Tray stands
  • Orga­ni­za­tion (shelv­ing, etc.)

2) Create a detailed design plan.

It is impor­tant to make sure that all of your indi­vid­ual fur­ni­ture selec­tions fit into an over­all cohe­sive design. Oth­er­wise, you run the risk of a final prod­uct that looks dis­joint­ed, weak­en­ing your brand as a whole. Spend time devel­op­ing a design plan that address­es even the small­est details, and refer to it reg­u­lar­ly as you shop. Each time you select a new piece, con­firm that it aligns with the over­all vision.

3) Always be open to going the custom route.

It&#;s a com­mon mis­con­cep­tion that cus­tom com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture is extreme­ly expen­sive, when actu­al­ly, it can be pur­chased at a rea­son­able price &#; and is often a far wis­er invest­ment. And because cus­tom fur­ni­ture comes with its own fan­tas­tic ben­e­fits, a slight dif­fer­ence in cost is usu­al­ly more than worth it.

4) Prioritize both form and function.

Even the most beau­ti­ful­ly-designed fur­ni­ture won&#;t impress your guests if it is not prop­er­ly func­tion­al, but even flaw­less­ly func­tion­al pieces will fall short if they don&#;t take aes­thet­ics into con­sid­er­a­tion.

Try to avoid being wooed by restau­rant fur­ni­ture that is gor­geous but imprac­ti­cal; and on the flip side, don&#;t make func­tion­al­i­ty your only focus. The best pieces will offer a bal­ance of both.

5) Never sacrifice quality for affordability &#; because both are within reach.

It can seem dif­fi­cult to find well-con­struct­ed fur­ni­ture that doesn&#;t come with an exor­bi­tant price tag, but it&#;s not impos­si­ble. The key is to work with a man­u­fac­tur­er that holds their team to a high­er stan­dard of excel­lence, while still striv­ing to main­tain fair prices. 

Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co. firm­ly believes in mak­ing styl­ish, impec­ca­bly-made com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture acces­si­ble on a bud­get. And because we make it pos­si­ble to cus­tomize every detail of your order, there is always flex­i­bil­i­ty.

6) Leverage the knowledge of a skilled customer care/sales team.

Often­times, your best resource will be the sales pro­fes­sion­als that work for the fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­tur­er &#; after all, they know all of the prod­ucts and options inside out. Don&#;t hes­i­tate to ask for assis­tance if need­ed, whether you are unsure about cer­tain uphol­stery col­ors or need help choos­ing the ide­al table shape. 

The team at Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co. is always hap­py to spend time col­lab­o­rat­ing with our clients, because our ulti­mate goal is your suc­cess.

4 Need-to-Know Tips for Designing Your Hotel Lobby

You&#;re already aware that your hotel&#;s lobby is the first impression you make on guests. And that means it is one of the most important aspects of interior design for your hotel. You only get one chance to nail that first impression. And you have a lot of options for giving your hotel lobby its own unique personality. That&#;s exactly what guests are looking for is a bit of personality in their accommodations. They don&#;t want to feel like they are staying in the same old place no matter which city they visit.

You can&#;t personally greet every single guest who stays at your hotel. But you can give them the experience you want to create for them by evoking a particular feeling when they enter the lobby. Here are Louis Interiors&#; four need-to-know tips for designing your hotel lobby.

#1 Create an immediate refuge.

Your guests may have traveled a long distance to arrive at your hotel. Or they may be weary from a work conference. Maybe they&#;ve had a long week and are starting their vacation by checking into your accommodations. Let them feel an immediate sense of relaxation, before they even make it to their room.

You can do this by providing big, comfortable armchairs and cozy love seats in your lobby area. This allows guests to take a break and sit down for a few minutes. In addition to anticipating guest needs upon arrival, the lobby should also set the tone for your style throughout the hotel. Commissioning luxury furniture from custom furniture manufacturers is the best way to get exactly what you need. You want guests to sink into the atmosphere of your hotel right away.

Remember, they will form an opinion of your entire establishment within minutes of seeing your lobby.

#2 Know your guests.

This doesn&#;t mean in the sense that you should know each of them individually. But you should have a strong grasp of who utilizes your hotel accommodations most. How old are they? Are they seeking solo accommodations, couples&#; weekends, or rooms for a family? What is their reason for staying with you? And why do they choose your hotel over others in Toronto?

If you are targeting families on vacation, for instance, you probably want to consider making the lobby interesting for children. That may include putting some kind of games in the lobby area or utilizing character décor. It doesn&#;t hurt to think of ideas that other hotels have not tried. Installing a small shop in the lobby with kid-friendly treats like ice cream or cookies is a great way to appeal to families.

#3 Make the lobby more than a passageway.

Yes, your lobby is the transition area between the outside world and your guests&#; rooms. But it can also be more than that. Make your hotel lobby an area where guests want to linger. You can make it a space that guests enjoy coming out of their rooms to visit. The lobby should be a place where your guests want to stop, see things, and do things.

Finding interesting art pieces, whether photography, paintings, or sculpture, that make visiting your entrance area an experience. You can also create a one-of-a-kind experience with custom furniture. Louis Interiors sources the highest quality upholstery in every colour and pattern you can imagine. If we don&#;t have the right kind of upholstery for your hotel furniture, we also accept fabric shipments for COM (customer&#;s own material) fabrics. That means you can get exactly the fabric you want&#;from anywhere&#;and we will incorporate it into your custom hotel furniture design.

#4 Think beyond a traditional lobby.

There are certain functions that your lobby must serve. And that means certain items are necessities, like a concierge stand, check-in desk, and waiting area. However, that does not mean your planning is done once you have established where these items will go and what furniture you need for them.

It is absolutely the extra touches that make your hotel memorable. Go ahead and talk to the design team at the best Toronto luxury furniture manufacturer and get started making your impressive hotel lobby vision into a reality.

The company is the world’s best Hotel public area chair supplier supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.


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